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Jack's POV

"You're really fucking stupid, you know that Jack?! What did you think the outcome was gonna be? You started the possibility of you guys being more than friends by having sex with her, its not gonna make feel special from all the other girls that you've been with; and that bottle is not gonna make any much of a difference." Joe says to me as I down a bottle of whisky, my friend takes the bottle away from me and continues to administer his dose of tough love.

"Look, I'm not saying this to be an asshole and make you feel any more shit than you already do. I've just gotta make you see it from a wider perspective, she has just come out of a two year relationship and she was cheated on; she needs more than just sleeping with her to prove that you really wanna be with her." Joe says and it clicks in my head that she was pushing me away because she needs to know that I am serious about us and our potential to have a future together

"You know I hate to say this... but you're right. There's no way she can really know how I feel unless I tell her, and I've gotta do it right or I'll lose her for good." I say as I take back the bottle from Joe and walk over to the sink, pouring the rest of its contents down the drain.

"Well, good luck. I've got a date I gotta get ready for." Joe says as he embraces me, I hold onto my friend for a few seconds before allowing him to leave my apartment.

"Now to get my best friend back." I say to myself as I reach for my phone, beginning to plot my plan to win the trust and heart of my best friend.

Naya's POV

"Mari, I love you but your ass is staying in New York. I am not letting you miss college because of my relationship drama." I say to my little sister Mariana as I FaceTime her on my couch.

"Naya, I love you but I know when you're bullshitting me; and It's because I love you that I am on the next flight to London. I am not taking no for an answer, I'll see you in 13 hours." Mariana hangs up on me and I sigh knowing that she is going to book a flight out here ASAP, but with everything thats going on especially with Grayson being so angry with me; I fear for my sisters presence here. I don't know what Grayson could be capable of and I don't want Mariana witnessing the truth or being harmed trying to protect me.

I hear knocks om my door and I walk over to the front of my apartment and open the door, to find that no one is there but there is a beautifully wrapped present with my name on it and A hand written card on the top.

I take the package into my apartment and place it onto the dining table, curiosity takes over me against my better judgement and I open the card.

"Wear this and meet me at the top of the shard where I will show you how much you really mean to me. J." I read the card smiling from ear to ear, I open the box and in it is a Black bodycon dress by Michael Costello and a Sharvoski diamond necklace. I gasp in awe of all the trouble Jack has gone to in order to prove that he cares, I go into my en-suite to get ready for this surprise in store for me.

I arrive at the top of the shard and immediately I walk in and This is What It Takes begin to play and I gasp as I walk see a screen with all Jack and I's best memories from our Graduation ceremony to the days of just goofing around and enjoying each others company, accompanied with a candlelight dinner and a handsome Jack in a tuxedo waiting for me.

"I really didn't think you were gonna show up." Jack says as he sighs a breath of relief, I smile and gesture to my outfit before replying

"Well, you drove a pretty hard bargain. So.... here I am, ready to hear you out" Jack walks towards me slowly.

"Do you remember the day that we met?" Jack asks me

"Of course I do." I reply

"We met when we were 16 years old, I remember that day so clearly. I was the new kid on the scene with the famous older brother, so I was automatically a target to unending torment. Until this girl came to my rescue, and colorfully told those assholes where to go. She had the most beautiful eyes I had even seen in all my living, and I was in complete awe of her beauty but most importantly her heart. I have been in love with you since we were teenagers, and I have loved every minute of being your best friend; but I can't spend another second not being able to kiss those lips of yours. And I will go to the ends  of the earth to show you everyday, just how much you really mean to me. I am in love with you Naya Maria Rodriguez, I always have been and I probably always will be." Jack says as he tucks a lock of my hair behind my ear before cupping my cheek and wrapping his arm around my waist, I lean in slowly before stopping.

"It is dangerous to love me Jack." I whisper wanting with every fibre of my being to close the small gap between our lips and kiss him with every bit of love in my heart for him.

"Then in danger I shall be, now shut up and kiss me." Jack replies before kissing me passionately, our lips mould together perfectly and in that moment I knew I was in love with Jack.

"Wow. That was.... but I can't Jack. I'm sorry. I can't be with you, I'm with Grayson." I say as it dawns on me that I will not be able to walk away from Grayson, he is a possessive man and will bestow hell on Jack's life and mine if I leave him.

There you have it, folks! Naya and Jack are in love but there is a dark force that stands in the way of them being together, Grayson.

Will Jack take no for an answer, or will he fight for Naya? What will Grayson have to say about Naya falling in love with Jack

All will be revealed in due course,

Jackson. Xx

Enamoured ~ Jack MaynardWhere stories live. Discover now