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Because I live so close to the wall I can hear them sometimes. The undead. I can hear them walking, growling, feeding. It is always at night when the sun goes down. Sometimes I won't even go to sleep. I will just listen. Tonight was different though. I heard talking. I couldn't make out any of the words, but I could hear the muffling of an argument. Then it just stopped. I opened my window hoping to hear it again, my dark hair flying in the wind as I waited. Staring at the dark mossy wall where I thought I heard a mans voice. But the growls of the undead is all I hear. I grunted slowly closing my window shut and walked along my creaky wood floors to my bed. I crawled into my sheets and laid there looking up at the ceiling watching the shadows from my lantern dance above me. I turned to my lantern and stared at the small flame. I reached over, turned it off, and rested in the darkness. I slowly drifted off to the sound of the growls and heavy footsteps of the undead and finally fell into a deep sleep.

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