Pink Glitter and Dimonds

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Marie grabbed the container of bright pink glitter from her desk, popped the lid off, squealed with excitement, and watched as the sparkles fell onto her dress. She rubbed her hands over the soft fabric and threw the empty container into her small garbage can. She smiled brightly and she clapped her hands together. Glitter fluttered onto the smooth hard wood floor beneath her feet. As Marie giggled, throwing clumps of glitter onto her cat, Peanut. Her mother groaned with annoyance as she vacuumed up Marie's last glitter mess.

Marie's mother watched as transparent glitter was sucked into the vacuum and swirled around with dust bunnies and crushed Cheerios from Marie's little brother, Anthony.

"Why does he get her so much glitter? All she does is waste it." Marie's mother muttered under her breath as she unplugged the vacuum. As for she referred to her husband, as "He" for the divorce they finalized last year.

Anthony made car noises as he played with his toy monster truck in his mothers room. He, unlike his sister, liked the mud and dirt and while his mother finished cleaning up his brunch, gathered mud pies from the back yard and placed them in his mothers bathtub, along with clusters of grass, worms, and pine cones.

Marie was careful not to get any glitter on her skin, for it was extremely difficult to wash off. She looked at her clock and noticed that she would be late for school if she left any time later and threw an old blanket onto the pink mess at her feet, masking the glitter, and ran out of her room. She made sure to kiss her mother goodbye and hug Anthony before she left for school.

She walked happily on the side walk, feeling more confident now that she was wearing bright pink glitter on her plain white dress.

On the Other Side of Town...
Keegan carefully glued fake diamonds onto the seem of his moms favorite shirt as he knew she would pay him for his fine handiwork. He smiled as he placed the last diamond onto the shirt. When they stuck to the fabric perfectly, he dropped his tweezers onto his desk, leaned back in his chair, and sighed happily.

"Mom! I finished!" He said, holding the "O" out a little.

Keegan's mother bursted through his bedroom door with a huge smile plastered on her face. She grabbed the shirt and examined it carefully. When she finished, she looked to her son and bent her knees a little. She bit her lip before speaking.

"Keegan, it's perfect!" She squealed. She ran out of his room and immediately put it on. After a few seconds, she screamed and Keegan darted to her room to see what was wrong. "I love it!" She jumped up and down excitedly.

Keegan ran his fingers through his light brown hair before collecting his backpack an heading for the front door. His mother ran to him and pulled him into a tight embrace.

"Good luck at your first day at your new school honey." She patted his head and he rolled his eyes playfully.

"Yeah, thanks mom." He hugged his mother one last time before running to catch the familiar yellow school bus.


As Keegan stepped off of the smelly school bus, he was welcomed by the principle. The principal, Mr. Denison, shakes Keegan's small hand and leads him to the office. Keegan grips the straps of his backpack tightly as a sense of reality hits him. This high school is completely and utterly stereotypical. Keegan thought to himself while he rolled his eyes.

After Mr. Denison went to get Keegan's schedule, Keegan gazed through the glass doors that separated him from busy students and saw a girl dressed in a white dress that seemed to be covered in bright pink glitter. He smiled as she walked down the hallway, giggling with her arms locked like chains with her friends. He admired how her long blonde hair accented the trail of glitter that followed her and how her green eyes fit perfectly with her smile. He watched her turn the corner with confidence and heard a man clear his voice.

"Here you go son. Come back here if you need anything okay?" They both nodded. "Good luck!"


Marie hugged Julie goodbye and skipped happily into Mr. Sealman's classroom just as the bell rang and swiftly moves to her desk. As the teacher spoke, eyes wandered from the world map at the front of the room to Marie's sparkly dress and as she shifts even the slightest bit in her seat, glitter sprinkles from her dress to the floor.

"So, does anyone know what time era . . ." Mr. Sealman stops mid sentence from the heavy door being opened.

Principal Denison walked through the doorway hesitantly and Keegan trailed behind shaking with anxiety. As The principal spoke with the Marie's history teacher she examined the new student. His long black hair seemed to cover his forehead completely and she wondered if he was hiding a lightning scar. His sharp blue eyes made him look mysterious, as well as his dark clothing and hunched posture. Keegan scanned the rows and columns of students until his eyes land on Marie. When he saw her, his heart skipped a beat while hers, sped faster.

"Okay, thank you Mr. Denison, have a nice day." As the principal left the room, Mr. Sealman turned to Keegan and smiled brightly. He turned toward the class and spoke loudly.

"Class, welcome our newest student, Keegan Rees." Marie and Keegan bit h smiled sheepishly.

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