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Warning! This chapter may contain content that some viewers may find disturbing/Triggering, this chapter may also be slightly depressing

Adam's POV

Nobody has seen Ty for a few weeks I hope nothing bad has happened to him... I can't believe I drove him away like that... I wish I had never told him about my feelings... I hated myself for telling him... I should feel pain for this. I get up from my bed and walk over to my bathroom and turn the light on, it is trashed but that isn't surprising considering the love of my life walked away after my confession... I open a drawer and see a object I had never used for this reason... My razor I pick it up and hold it in my hands thinking to myself... "Should I?" I think out loud I nodded my head yes and look into the mirror and see a terrifying image... It's me... But with slashes on my arms from my palm to my shoulder and my skin looked pale and my eyes were bloody... Like I was crying blood... I close my eyes and open them and saw myself... Normal and still holding the razor I look back at the mirror and throw the razor not caring where it went and I run out of my room and scream... I continue screaming until I can't and then I collapse and lay with my face into the ground just thinking about Ty...

Ty's POV

"I-I can't believe it... Adam said he loved me! He. Loves. Me. I can't even comprehend how I feel right now! My heart feels like it's on cloud nine! But why did I run off? Wait... Am I dreaming? I think I might be... But there is only one way to find out!" I reach down to pinch my arm but was shocked to find out that I didn't have arms... "What is going on?" I asked myself. I listen close to the silence and I hear a light sob... Then I hear some voices "c--- -n -d--" but I couldn't make out any of the words... Who was I again? I think my name is Ty? No... Maybe it's... I can't remember anything...

Adam's POV

I woke up in my bed to the sound of voices I knew well Mitch and Jerome, they were talking and it sounded like Jerome was telling Mitch something important... I only caught a few words "Ty" and "coma" I gasped and held my breath hoping they didn't hear me... But I think they might have because they stopped talking I quickly closed my eyes and heard the door open and then sound of footsteps made me close my eyes tighter "Adam?" Mitch said then Jerome chimed in "Ty..." I looked at him worried "Ty is in a coma..." I felt my heart shatter both metaphorical and literally and I collapsed "Adam" Mitch said "We were going to take you to the hospital to see him" I nod my head slowly and they help me up and we go to the car.
The drive was long and boring but we finally got there and they took me to see Ty, the nurse asked us some questions but it was all a blur, we got into Ty's room and they let me be alone with his sleeping body. I began to talk to him "T-T-Ty" I sob out and collapse on his body and begin to sob and eventually Mitch and Jerome come in and they look sadly at me and say "Come on Adam" and they drag me out of the room. But I don't want to go! I grab onto anything I can and that just so happens to be the door frame "ADAM!" Mitch yells at me but I don't let go then I feel something stab me and I look at my arm and I fall asleep slowly as I see a needle in my arm....

Mitch's POV

After they "put him down" me and Jerome had fun dragging his body to the car, he was heavy! But the car ride was again silent as we drove Adam home Jerome kept taking glances at me... He has been acting different since we have been together m-maybe he is having second thoughts... After we take Adam home and I drop Jerome off at home he stopped himself from closing the door and began to say "Mitch..." His voice was full of sadness "yes?" I mumble "d-do you love me?" I sat there for a second thinking "yes! How do you not kno-" I was about to continue but he interrupted me "then you need to know this..." I began to worry "I..." I tried to rush him a bit but he shook his head "never mind..." And with that he walked inside and I sat there in my car alone and confused, I sat there for longer that I thought because when I looked at my phone it was past midnight so I drove home and climbed into bed without changing and drifted off to sleep...

Ty's POV

Who am I?

What am I doing here?

Why am I here?

I can answer that...


Who's there?

Just an old friend...

After that the voice does not reply, who is the voice? It sounds familiar... Does it? I don't know... You know that voice very well... "What do you mean?" *no reply*

I see a bright light and I begin to run to it hoping I will find some answers...

I open my eyes and see a blinding light and instantly close my eyes and then slowly open them again slightly getting used to the light, once I do I look around and analyze my surrounding. The only thing around me was a small table and a TV on the wall and the only colors in the room were black and white... "Am I in the hospital?" I asked to no one "Yes Mr. Lox" I looked around and saw a doctor sitting in a chair "Mr. Lox?" I said confused he nodded and wrote something down on a paper and asked "Do you know who you are?" I shook my head and he nodded again and whispered to himself "just as I thought..." I sat there longer and embraced the silence until he broke it "Well I can inform you of a few things..." I grinned "please do" he stayed silent for a second and started "I can only tell you a little bit... Your name is Tyler Lox and you have three best friends Adam being the closest to you then Mitch and Jerome, they have visited everyday... You have been here for... I think around.... 4 months..." I was shocked to hear that I had been here for that long I must have zoned out because there were three strangers in the room now and one of them looked like they were crying... "Hello?" I asked "who are you?" They looked shocked at my question and the one who had been crying looked crushed, one of them had a checkered hoodie while the one on the right had a baca hoodie and the one in the middle... Was very attractive... Wait.... Attractive? Am I bisexual? Or gay? I must have been lost in my thoughts because the one in the baca hoodie was right next to my face "Ty?" He asked "yes?" I replied hesitantly he smiled "How are you doing?" I sat there for a second and looked down at myself and saw bandages on my arms "what happened to my arms?" The doctor walked up and asked if I would like to see, I nodded a little frightened at what could lie under the bandages... I closed my eyes and waited "Alright Mr. Lox" I opened my eyes and was shocked to see what happened and the others must have been just as shocked as I was but the one who was crying looked destroyed, under the bandages was a mess... There were scars overlapping other scars and cuts on top of the scars both sideways and vertical... I-I didn't know what to make of this and neither did they by the look of it... The one who was crying walked up and took me in his arms and said in between sobs "W-w-why?" I was shocked at the fact that he cared for me this much and that made my heart flutter, 'I must be bisexual' I thought to myself...

We sat there for a while in each other's embrace and I must have lost track of time because before I knew it they had to go... To be honest... I didn't want them to go but the doctor said I could go home tomorrow... So I guess that is a positive...

Adam's POV

I was so happy to see Ty awake but I was devastated to find out he had amnesia, but that meant he didn't remember me confessing which means I have a second chance. But I didn't want to take advantage of this, I was going to wait to see if he made a move or remembered things. I look at the time and see that it was past 1:00 AM so I decided that if I went to bed I would be able to see Ty again and I eventually fell asleep....

1577 words

I am proud to say that this is my longest chapter yet, so much happened and I am happy to release this to you guys! But if you liked this chapter then show some support and vote for it and if you haven't already then go ahead and follow me and add some feedback because that helps me understand what you guys would like... I will see you guys in the next chapter

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