R.I.P Daddy <3

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This isn't a story, this is in memory of my dad who died earlier today

It has absolutely destoryed me and my world

For every year to come, the 26th of November 2013 will be the hardest day of my life, for my entire life

I'm sat here now typing this out thinking about all of the things he's going to miss; first proper relationship, my wedding, my children, the list is endless

I can't begin to tell anybody out there who may be reading this how hard today has been for me

I will never forgive myself for not being able to have a proper goodbye, and I will regret that forever

My dad was the core of our family and now that's gone it's all falling apart

My friends and family have all been amazing and I'm so lucky to of have them

He has even been out and brought all of our christmas presents so he will still be with us on Christmas day

He is a part of me, my sister, all of us

He lives in us

He always have, even though we've never noticed it, but he always will, and we will always feel him there

I hope the day I get my GCSE results, get engaged, get married, have children etc. that he will be looking down on me smiling, and through his smile I will be smiling as well

My dad was the best guy I have ever known or ever will know, and I'm so glad I managed to have a daddy like him

He will forever in my memory and everybody else's who knew him

R.I.P Daddy

I'll love you forever

Fly with the angels xo

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