1 year on..

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So today is the date my dad died a year ago...

Thinking back to this evening last year I was a complete mess - but I would like to say thanks to my friend, family and all of my readers I have come so far

This by all means does not mean I am over my dads death but I am slowly but surely recovering

I have achieved so much in this year that he hasn't seen:

- My first proper boyfriend who I have been with nearly 7 months

- Completed my DofE award

- Did some exams and got B's and C's

I know my dad may not of been here to see it himself but he's always with me and I know he would be so proud of what I've managed to achieve and will continue to achieve

Thank you for all of your support

I love you Dad xo

R.I.P Daddy <3Where stories live. Discover now