The Nice Girl

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"He was your WHAT?" The Doctor bellowed, making me jump back slightly. Now I was slightly more afraid. "AND ARE YOU LIKE HIM? A DESTROYER WHO CONQUERED MANY PLANETS? I hope to my T.A.R.D.I.S that you're not. Because he killed many people I knew and loved and I DON'T WANT THAT TO HAPPEN AGAIN!" He carried on, ignoring the fact that I was crying slightly. Was my dad... a murderer?

"Is this true...?" I whispered faintly, just about audible. The Doctor still didn't know I was crying, so he carried on, walking up to me slowly.

"He. Was. A. Monster." He answered, eyeing me furiously. He was still creeping up on me, step by step, I could feel my heart echo loudly. I tried to back up, but that failed, since I was already flat out onto the wall. Closer and closer he got, until he was a foot away from me. I saw him raise his hand, going out to slap me. I squinted, thinking that this would be the first of many beatings. On instinct I raised my arms as a shield, but the blow never came. I paused, then lowered my barricade. Clara's hand grabbed onto The Doctor's arm, keeping him from abusing me. I looked at her in awe.

"Thank you..." I whispered, whilst running away. My tears burnt my face slightly, as they were replaced by acid when I was younger. Then I realised. Why didn't I just use my muscles to my advantage? Stupid, stupid Tetra. I could of used them earlier!

"Activation code 497683." I muttered. The machine recognised my voice because it immediately switched the power on, probably because it noticed my voice catching. It can detect emotions, which is strange since this is cyberman technology and apparently they don't HAVE emotions. I bet you can guess where I got that notion from. I could hear The Doctor and Clara having a heated argument, so of course I listened in.

"She's a TEENAGER! What do you think she's gonna do, shower you in spot cream?"

"Well, she was brought up by emotionless creatures that are power-hungry and bloodthirsty. Come on, better to be safe then sorry!"

"That brings me up onto my next subject, what happened to the Doctor I met? The one that would always give everyone a second chance? Maybe even a first one? She didn't DO ANYTHING, and yet you go up to her like she killed a kid!"

"Well, her dad did..."

"SHE MIGHT BE COMPLETELY DIFFERENT FROM HER DAD! Oh my God, I swear I'm going to leave when we get back to earth, and I might not be lying. You're so narrow-minded nowadays, and I hate it." Clara stated, walking off.

"CLARA!" The Doctor yelled after her. I heard her coming this way, so I jumped onto one of the beams that held the house together.

"Psst! Up here!" I whispered, so only Clara could hear me. She looked up at me, pity in her eyes. I held my arm out for her to grab hold of; she did. I pulled her up onto the platform, finger to my lips. Clara nodded, understanding that I want her to be quiet. I peeked over the edge, just in time for The Doctor to come running by.

"CLARA! CLAR-" He was paused mid-sentence, and for a while I wondered why, then I found out. He had seen me. I scurried off, but unfortunately, I fell.

"Ow..." I winced, rubbing the damaged arm. The Doctor swivelled round to me, and, picking me up from my collar, he held me up.

"WHERE IS SHE? WHERE IS CLARA?" He yelled into my face. I could only wimper in reply.

"Right here." She answered simply from behind him. The Doctor turned round and dropped me on my arm, not making it any better.

"Where have you been!" He enquired, not looking at me. I stood up, wobbling everywhere. Dayumn, this arm hurts more than I thought! I was beginning to run in the other direction, when a felt an arm hoist me up.

"Lemme go! Let me go!" I screamed.

"No." I heard in reply. The voice sounded familiar... I looked down.

"Commander... Is that you?" I asked. A metal humanoid had picked me up from the ground, just as The Doctor was trying to catch me. I didn't know that there were still cubermen! And it was my best friend that survived too!

Cybergirl- A Doctor Who Fanfic *OH HOLD, SORRY!*Where stories live. Discover now