Nightmare Comfortation

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Hello! Aqua Black Chan is back with another story, but this time from Mystic Messenger! Such a shame that there's no Jaehee X MC fics that much, but I'll be changing that for the better.
Anyways, this is mostly fluff and angst for all of you people that want fluff of them. In the future, I might make an smut one of them. ° ͜ʖ ͡°)
But anyways! One more warning, there's lots of mentions of the Vocaloid song, Suki Kirai. They'll be put in italics so that way you can get a feeling of it in there.
Oh, this is also AU'ish and sort've spoilerish??? I don't know, but it's a different AU ending in Jaehee's route.
Without further ado, enjoy!

UPDATE: I made another MC X Jaehee story, to check it out! I'm certain that you guys will love it.


~I like you - I don't like you - I don't know - I don't like you~

"Myung." Jaehee said with a stern tone, looking at the brunette with an small smile.

"Yes?" Myung said, her eyes blinking quickly two times to where that she could see an arm extend towards her; giving her keys.

"I want you as my roommate."

~I like you - there's no other - I like you!~

Myung couldn't forget that moment, as the people that they invited were chattering to each other, smiling and laughing and there she was - talking to the person she loved in front of everyone, being asked if they wanted to be roommates.

~I don't know if I like you or don't like you~

"Of course!" Myung said cheerfully, well too happily to catch the assistant off guard but then retuned the same happiness towards her. "This day just got better!"

~I don't like you, but I like you~

"I'm glad it did!" Jaehee said with an happy tone, to where that she approached the brunette and hugged her tightly; keeping the said girl close to her. "I hope it repays you after all you've done for me.."

~Like, dislike - It won't stop!~

"It has, and always will be, Jaehee." Myung said with kindness, wrapping her arms around the assistant. The hug felt intimate, as if a burning need approached them both. Though, the others fire was lowly lit while the other was burning with passion.

~You lit my fire - shaking and shaking! It rises up and becomes a high pyromania~
Its been nearly two months since Jaehee has asked Myung to live with her, and its been an exciting year. But Myung has one secret from her - she loves Jaehee from the bottom of her heart. Yet, if she told Jaehee she would lose her as a friend forever.

Nighttime is already in its state, to where that Myung is huddled up in her blanket, laying her head against the comfy pillow that Jaehee has bought for her. This wasn't a dream, it was more of an true way of expressing reality.

Suddenly, she began to stir in her sleep as soft groans came from her lips; as if she was having a nightmare of some sort. Going into her dream, you could see Myung looking into the distance, seeing Zen and Jaehee being happily together and to where that she was nearly on the verge of tears.

"J-jaehee?" Myung said, her tone trembling with fear to where that the woman with glasses looked at her dumbly. "What?" The woman said, as if her tone was stern and was only confused because of a friend. Then suddenly, the white-haired man chuckled. "Oh, Myung~" Zen cooed, holding the assistant more closer to him to earn a yelp from Jaehee. "You don't need to give her happiness anymore, I can take over~"

Mystic Messenger - Jaehee X MC - Can I Sleep With You?Where stories live. Discover now