My beautiful imprint

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Paul POV

As I run up into the driveway of Embry's house I see that his mom isn't home so I don't bother even knocking and just rush In and up the stairs to Embry's room.

"Embry man wake up we found Bella." as soon as I said that he shot up

"Where is she? Is she okay? What are we doin waiting around Lets go he said putting on his horts leaving his shirt off trying to push past me I push his shoulder back catching his attention.

"Embry man before we go there's something I need to tell you" he looked at me to continue " Bellas not in the best condition she was attacked and we think it was a leech. I didn't get a good luck before I came to get you"

"I need to see her" he said running out of his house with me on his trail not even bothering to tell him where she is because he can smell her scent from a hundred miles away. As we got to Sams and Emilys house we just walked in him going straight to the crowd of boys crowded around Bella. Moving out of the way to let Embry see a wide awake Bella he stopped for a second just staring at Bella before rushing over to her embracing her with a hug.

Embry's POV

"Bella don't ever scare me like that again." I said probably squeezing the life out of her.

"I'm sorry Embry I'm so sorry" I heard the boys leaving to give us our time.

She pulls back from the hug looking into my eyes and then at my lips. Catching her lips with mine I didn't care about anything else in the world at this moment I had my beautiful imprint back in my arms. I rested my forehead on hers.

"I'm never letting you go Bella never ever."

"Good I'm going to hold you to that"...

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