Chapter 4: Imagining

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When Mark came to, he was slumped against the side of the cave opening, loose twigs shifting under his body as he moved his legs, straightening up his back and craning his head upward to familiarise himself with his surroundings once again. Jack was sitting on a nearby log from a fallen tree, resting his elbows on his knees as he stared at the other.

"Ugh... What happened?" Mark groaned, moving his hand up to run his fingers through his hair. Suddenly, recollection flashed through him and the events from earlier flashed through his head.

"We were attacked." The red head blurted out, scrambling to his feet to check his belongings, "Did they take anything?" He questioned, frantically searching through their backpacks and his own pockets. Nothing had been taken.

It was then that Mark turned to his friend, a frown on his lips. Why wasn't he panicking? They'd been attacked! Wasn't he worried? But Jack showed no trace of concern, in fact, he showed no sort of emotion at all. It was then that the Irishman let out a laugh, it was so sudden that it made Mark jump slightly.

"We didn't get attacked! What are you talking about, you're going mad!" Jack chuckled to himself before rolling his eyes, "You're lucky I could lean you against this cave when you passed out." Jack shook his head, chuckle still resonating from his lips.

"What are you talking about? We went into the cave and there was some weird art and then we got attacked!" Mark exclaimed. Jack just shook his head.

"We haven't even been in the cave, Mark. I was waiting for you to wake up and see if you were up for it." Jack was frowning now, seemingly confused.

Mark was frowning back, brows furrowed in slight frustration. Was this a prank? Mark shook his head. Was it just in his head? No, it felt too real. He knew it was real, it couldn't have been anything else...

"The camera!" Mark exclaimed suddenly, moving towards the end of the log where their bags and cameras sat. Jack just turned his head to follow Mark, "Why do you need the camera?" Jack asked curiously, to which Mark gave the witty response of;

"Because I was recording while in that cave and I know for a fact that the footage will be on here. I'll prove to you that we got attacked in there by something." Mark rewound the footage to then nearing the cave, the opening just a few metres away from them. He moved to sit beside Jack and hit play, the camera had Jack within the frame since he was walking a little ahead, then suddenly Mark fell, dropping the camera with him as it then displayed Jack's shoes running towards Mark before crouching down, desperately trying to help the other regain consciousness before the recording stopped.

Mark was in utter shock. What?... But that couldn't be right! Mark moved to replay the footage when Jack took the camera away. See? You passed out like I said you did. The green haired male began to pack up their things.

"Come on, we're heading back now, I don't trust us being out here alone in case you pass out again. You need to rest." Jack sighed softly before slinging his backpack over his shoulder and beginning to walk back the way they had once come.

Mark on the other hand, darted into the cave, running quickly to where they had once been. He looked over the wall where he was certain they once stood but instead of seeing the morbid drawings like before, all he saw was a blank rock wall. Maybe it was just all in his head?

Mark moved hastily to catch up to Jack whom luckily hadn't gotten far and fell into step beside him, making idle conversation about video ideas and the footage they captured and dinner arrangements for later that evening.

It was unfortunate that Mark was so focused on looking down at the twining roots beneath his feet that he missed the black flicker of Jack's eyes as the Irishman looked at him to respond.

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