Morning Breakfast

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The subtle sound of rain hitting the window awoke Jack from his slumber. With a yawn, he stretched arms and his long legs out underneath the covers, careful not to touch his sleeping partner. He reached up and rubbed the sleep out of his eyes and took a glance across the room to the clock hung above the bathroom door.

Jaysus, it's only 8:30 in the morning? He groaned under his breath as he slowly turned and looked down at the sleeping form next to him. He smiled, a warmth growing in his chest as he studied Mark's face. His hand was rested beneath his cheek, with his mouth slightly open as small snoring sounds escaped his lips. Laying in the fetal position, covers haphazardly thrown off his legs, Mark looked so innocent and sweet that Jack couldn't help but lean down and press a very gentle kiss on his forehead.

"Rest, sleeping beauty," he whispered as he pulled the covers off his body and very carefully got out of bed.

He padded his way quietly across the room and opened the door to the hallway, looking back once again to make sure Mark hadn't stirred awake. Nothing. He smiled to himself once more and made his way to the kitchen.

First thing's first: Coffee. Jack yawned again as he hit the 'start' button on the coffee maker after placing his favorite mug underneath the spout. Within moments, the smell of fresh brewed hazelnut roast wafted through the silent kitchen, giving Jack a small boost of energy even before taking his first sip. Whistling softly, he began gathering random packages from the pantry and the refrigerator, placing them on the countertop by the stove; breakfast sausage links, maple cured bacon, eggs, mushrooms, a handful of red potatoes, a loaf of brown bread, whipped butter and one can of home-style baked beans. Once everything he needed was in plain sight, he reached and grabbed his cup of coffee and added one sugar packet, taking his first sip with a satisfied sigh.

"Alright, Jackaboy. Let's impress that handsome fellow upstairs." He rubbed his hands together and got to work, slicing and prepping each ingredient, making sure to cook each dish to perfection. The smell of the bacon frying was enough to make Jack's heart leap in anticipation, hoping Mark would enjoy his little morning surprise.

Once everything was cooked and ready, he carefully arranged a portion of the eggs, the meats, and the vegetables around a slice of brown bread, butter sitting at the ready on top. He smiled to himself and nodded. "A masterpiece!" After pouring a small glass of orange juice, he grabbed the plate and the drink and headed back up the stairs, careful not to spill anything on the way up.

He opened the door cautiously, peeking in to see that Mark hadn't even moved position in the time he was downstairs. He grinned, his face growing warm at the view of his partner sleeping so soundly.

As silently as he could, he tip toed over to Mark's side of the bed and knelt down, placing the plate and glass on the end table near his head. Reaching up, he tenderly ran his fingers through Marks soft, unruly hair, hoping the gentle movements would stir him awake.

Sure enough, moments later, Mark mumbled something softly and started to roll over onto his back. His eyes remained closed, but he stated, "Hmmm... Good morning, beautiful." Jack's face heated up and he bit his lip gently.

"Good morning, Markipoo." Jack replied, his hand being grasped by Mark's and pulled up for a kiss on his knuckles. Jack couldn't help the butterflies that grew in his stomach at the sweet gesture. "I made you something."

Mark smiled, still keeping his eyes closed. "Hmmm, yes." He sniffed the air a bit and moaned happily. "Taters, scrambled eggs with baked beans, lovely sausage... and," he sniffed again. "Ah, there it is. Nice, crispy bacon." He opened his eyes and looked adoringly at Jack. "You are so good to me, my love." Sitting up, he reached for Jack's hand and pulled him into his lap, wrapping his arms around Jack's chest and pulling him close.

Jack sighed happily and nuzzled his face into Mark's hair. "Anything to put a smile on your face."

Mark grinned, and positioned a hand on each of Jack's cheeks, leaning in and gently kissing his lips. "Just having you in my life makes me smile like an idiot every day." Jack blushed, but smiled as well, his eyes glowing with joy.

"I hope you like it. It's an old recipe my ma taught me as a boy." He got up off Mark's lap and settled in next to him, his eyes shining with anticipation.

"I know I will, Jack. I enjoy everything you do." He leaned his head in and placed his forehead against Jack's. "I enjoy you."

Mark grabbed his plate and dug in, happy noises accompanying each bite...

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