fun and games

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"Oh butch its so cute how you think you're the one in control. I'm not just another pretty face I'll have you know" I teased. Two of his goons came up from behind me they reached to grab me but I swept my foot underneath their feet tripping both of them. There were maybe 12 others in the bar. Eyeing me cautiously on their guard. I did a running jump onto the bar. Pulled out the concealed gun hidden at the waist of my tight black pants. It was an old refinished Cimarron with a electric blue finish. Shot 6 of his goons. I reloaded the chamber. I hopped down from the bar. "Butch are you still upset about losing? You look a little uncomfortable over there?" I teased. "What the fuck is wrong with you? You just shot 6 men!" he exclaimed. I giggled a bit. "Oh. Is that what your upset about baby? They'll be fine. Maybe. Your no saint yourself ya know." I responded. "how would you know anything about me? Your fucking crazy!" he screamed.
"Oh yes I am! If theres one thing about me Butch, its everything I do is well deserved. You and your crew, I've been watching you. Damn, you guys are bad. Pretty fucked up some of the things you did Butch. All those poor innocent people and children. You remember what you did over the weekend right? You need to be punished. These things just cant be tolerated." I explained.
"Who the hell are you?!" He exclaimed. "I'm the basketcase." I said with a purely psychotic smile across my face.
" Are you ready to have some fun?" maniacal laughter filled the room. " What are you dummies still here for! You wanna play too? Get the fuck out!" the remaining patrons ran out after my cue. I didn't care about them. I just wanted Butch.They were just unfortunate hookers and a few remaining goons in which i had no quarrel with.
"Have a seat Butch. This might take a while." He tried to run for it. I shot him in the leg."Agh! Fuck! What the fuck do you want you crazy bitch!"
"Butch I told you I want to play. Its rude to leave a lady in the middle of a game." I grabbed a chair. "Now take a fucking seat!" he pulled himself up into the chair whining from the pain of his gunshot wound. I reached into my pack and grabbed the rope I had stowed away. First I tied his hands and his feet. "Please what are you going to do to me? Just let me go. You don't have to do this casey" he pleaded.
"Oh I know I don't have to. I want to. You deserve all the pain that's coming to you. I'm gonna make you talk. I'm gonna make you hurt. And I'm gonna enjoy all of it Butch" I reached into my bag once more. Applied some lipstick. Candy apple red. "First off, what did you do with all the girls? Ya know, the girls from the orphanage." " I don't know what your talking about!" I pulled out a knife hidden between my black boots and dug it into that tender hole in his leg. "Agh fuck! Fuckin kill me! I wont tell you shit!" I smacked him with my gun leaving a nice gash along his temple. I sat on his lap. Straddling him with my knife in my hand. "That's one thing your wrong about because your gonna tell me everything. You got any hobbies other then kidnapping? I have hobbies. A bunch. One of them is playing with toxins and poisons. You can do all kinds of stuff with toxins. Make people feel different things. Its like playing a game with someone's brain.You see this knife it was dipped in a poison that makes the affected area feel like its on fire. You should start feeling it in about thirty seconds. Now if you don't start telling me what I want. I gonna start carving stuff into your face.Now, I want to know where those girls are and who else is behind this fucked up business of yours." "Fuck that. They will kill me." "Do you think I wont? Ya know I was exploring the area. I saw the cutest little house. I met your beloved Maria. Sweet lady. Amy is just so beautiful. I think she has a lot of potential. I could take her and she'd be my new buddy. Be a shame if something happened to them wouldn't it." He was screaming and sweating from toxins traveling through his blood stream. I had also started carving some letters into his forehead like Id promised.
"Please. Leave them alone. They have no part in this. Don't fucking touch them." He pleaded, tears now in his eyes. " I know they aren't involved. But what they are is leverage. Id really hate to have to hurt them Butch. You know I'm good for it too. Now, where are the fucking girls?" i repeated. " I don't know. I was told to lock them in a shipping container. There's place about an hour from here. It's an abandoned warehouse. That's where I left them." I had just finished carving basket case into his ugly face. "Who else is involved?" I asked.
"I don't know! I swear! We never exchanged names. A spanish guy would call and tell me instructions. He told me the drop off location and he said payment would come after the goods were received. They haven't contacted me back so the girls may still be there. That's all I know I swear." I dug into his pockets a bit. I found a trac phone and some cocaine. "is this the phone he contacts you on?" he nodded his head yes. I gave him a farewell kiss. I kissed him hard leaving the lipstick smeared on his mouth. My lipstick is laced with very potent hallucinogenics. I had immunity. They were designed to bring on nightmarish lucid visions. He was going to go insane then slowly die of the toxins in his bloodstream. He deserved it. All of it.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20, 2016 ⏰

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