Chapter 25

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( a / n : just pretend the picture above says ' her ' not him. )

" Houseguests! It's time to pick members for the Veto competition! " Caleigh called out while walking out from the diary room. Hoping she would win so she would have the final say of who's for sure going home. Mostly because she was determined to get Zach out of the house, everyone was.

Everyone made their way to the living room and then she stood in front of the room with the bag of the chips of houseguest names. " Will the two nominees please come up here. " She asks, as Frankie and Zach made their way to the front of the room "Okay as head of household I will choose first." as she went into the bag "Houseguest choice."
She spoke when she looked at it she then revealed the chip to the houseguests.

Caleigh looked over at Caleb " What? " He asked and she just smiled, "Do you wanna play?" Caleigh asked lIt's your choice you're head of household." Caleb answered. •Will you not use it?" Since everyone knew if she won she wouldn't use it that's what most people would do. " I would use it. " Caleb responded, everyone laughed including Caleigh.

" Okay, Christine. " Caleigh said instead, as Christine jumped up and walked to the front Frankie took his chip revealing Derrick's name " Derrick! " Frankie exclaimed as Derrick made his way to the front.

" Okay, Big Brother will inform us when the competition is to begin. " Caleigh announced. The houseguests nodded. The competition was most likely going to be in a hour or two so they all had some time to kill.

diary room :

" I have to win that Veto. I can not have Caleigh win again. Cause then I will for sure be going home, and that can not happen to Zach Attack! I'm not ready to leave. I guess I should've thought of this before I had Cody packing! But I thought she would be a little more emotional.... " Zach trailed off.

out of dr.

Once it was time for the Veto, the competitors went out to the backyard, after they had gotten changed, and everyone was so ready to compete. Since everyone surprisingly wanted to win The Golden Power Of Veto. Most people were playing for themselves now. Not everyone had an alliance really. Mostly just a close person that they think that they can trust.

Julie explained the rules to the competition, it was a physical competition it had to do with running. Whenever the screen said go, and you couldn't move when it said ' no ' but sometimes your brain could mess you up and you will start to run when it said no and you would be disqualified from the competition. You had to hit a buzzer once you got half way then you had to run back.

A little while later, it was between Caleigh and Caleb, she couldn't let him win, she couldn't risk him using the Veto on Zach. Even though he probably wouldn't. She then got to the buzzer before Caleb so she won the Golden Power Of Veto.

"Congratulations Caleigh! You have won the Golden Power Of Veto! " Derrick announces as he put the Veto around her neck. She hugged all the houseguests then walked inside, to have the Veto meeting once they did she obviously decided not to use the Power Of Veto.

diary room :

Zach was crying while sitting on the chair, " This is bullshit! She wins everything! She already won fan favourite! Why wouldn't she win!?" Zach exclaimed, huffing out of frustration "Give her the fucking money! I'm wasting my fucking time here!" He continued to yell. He thought she would also probably win fan favourite that's why he said that.

out of dr.

Caleigh was glad that she would be the one sending Zach packing. It was honestly a relief. Caleigh was heading towards the bathroom before she got pulled aside by Derrick, "Yeah?" She asked raising an eyebrow.

"Look, I know you may be questioning if you can trust me. I still have your back." He reassure, Caleigh slowly nodded still not sure, But she was not going to act suspicious.

"Alrighty" Caleigh smiled, to keep suspicion off while running a hand through her hair. "Okay." Derrick smiled a little as well. He knew the plan was obviously to vote out Zach this week. Since Zach was a big threat, he was unpredictable and one of Caleigh's other reasons was because he got Cody sent home.

Caleigh walked past Derrick and into the bathroom like she intended, grabbing her hair brush putting her hair in low pig - tails that rested on her shoulders then went to go get changed. She walked by Zach after he walked out of the diary room still teary - eyed. Caleigh didn't notice, and talked to Christine for a moment before going to the HOH room to get changed like she had been meaning.

Once she did she fixed the pig - tails that rested on her shoulders and walked out of the HOH room, she wasn't as social as she was when there was more people in the house. She missed some of her friends that had gotten evicted, like Hayden, Nicole, Cody, Amber, and even Donny, since he was so nice to her.

Later that night was the live eviction, everyone got a little more dressed up especially the nominees, Julie explained what she always did during the nominations. Then people casted their vote to evict.

Julie then came back on the screen " Houseguests. The votes are in. With a vote of 2-- " She got cut off with Zach standing up picking up a bag of froot loops and threw them at the houseguests "With a vote of 2 - 0 Zach you have been evicted from the Big Brother house." Julie spoke through laughs. Once Zach finished doing that he grabbed his bag the other houseguests standing up.

"Bye losers!" He exclaims as he walked out the door the houseguests looked out " Do that dance! " Derrick yelled as the houseguests heard the cheers then stood in front of the memory wall watching Zach's photo slowly turn black & white, meaning he was off to jury. Also meaning Caleigh was no longer HOH since it was no longer the live eviction.

While Zach was outside with Julie she showed him the good - bye messages Caleigh's was last " I wanna tell you one thing, don't let the door hit your ass on the way out." She smirked " I deserve that! " Zach laughed "Oh and look what I have. " She showed the pink hat all teared up into pieces. He looked shocked " Have fun in jury, Zach. " She condescendingly waves, the audience breaking out into small cheers and laughter.

Who will be crowned the new head of household? Who will make it back into the game out of the jurors? Will it be Cody, Zach, Victoria, Donny, Nicole, Jocasta or Hayden? We will find out soon.

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