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  • Dedicated to The love of my life

A letter to someone special 

Dear special, 

I don't know if you miss me , or even remember who I am. I just want you to remember, remember the time befor the world felt all wrong, as if it was snowing in the wrong direction. Remember thoughs few minuets when every thing was calm. I am not talking 2 or 3, maybe not even 12 to 20, more like 30 or 40. But in thoughs minuets when there was the snow out side sledding and sliding. Out in the snow in our soaks soaking wet. And that weird kind of hug that I wont forget. Then someone told you everything and all you did was listen for a sec. That's when things got weird, when I became afraid of you, then you got mad at me. It wasn't your fault know that. I wore a ring on my finger with a heart along my neck. Not from you of course but just as a reminder that you were once ever able to be a friend. But what is the point hanging on the past. You are hear and I am there and nothing for now can change that. That moment of sanity. But until you find    out who I am or even just remember me remember that. 

Your name is special now live up to it. I am sure I will hear of you and you might of me. But you wont remember that possibly. So when or if you find this letter think hard for me please because I love you with my heart on that cold winter night in December. 

With a horse in the barn and the co-co in our belly's standing on that rough in that cold night of December or January.

This is just some thing that I put in my friends time capsulse so guys don't read yet

You are special let no one tell you different. You a senior now you're about to go do what you want to do. Don’t bring yourself down bring raise yourself up. Find what you love and do it but never lose contact with me. You are a very important person to this world even if you say your not. Because if it weren't for you guys I probably would not have wrote this letter. I love just the way you are. I see a strong, confident, beautiful young lady and/or man

We all change. When you think about it, we’re all different people, all through our lives. And that’s okay, that’s good, you gotta keep moving, as long as you remember all the people that you used to be.

- Doctor Who

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