His Story

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Evan, its the name my mother chosed for me. Its a combination for Eve and Andi. My mothers name is Eve and my father s name is Andi. They were two people who thrives hard to give their child the best there could be. And that, they gave. My father, once was an agent for an insurance company, when the company broke he used our savings to buy  the company, and now its one of the leading insurance company in the continent. My mother is a Grade School teacher, even though we are rich,she didn't stop teaching. I am an only child so pretty much my life I was loved and spoiled. I am a straight A student from grade school to highschool. Making my parents proud. I have a lot of friends, and am quite famous a school. Not very athletic, I was more into books, and consider myself a bookworm. Ive fallen in love a lot of times, mostly to girls who loves my looks and riches than my personality, yeah i have a pretty bad taste. I took business management, graduated as Cum Laude. Now I'm 27 and I now ran my fathers company, my mothers retiring soon. They wanted to settled down on our rest house in Europe. Although I wanted to come home to Korea, I forgot to tell you my mom is half English and half Korean. My dad is an American. I have a happy life, I have my own foundation, I give donations to the UNICEF. People would call me an angel. I have never done anything to harm anybody, that's why I can't find the right explanation why bad things happened to me. Is this where my fate lies?? Is my soul bound to her? Cara, I don't even know her family name, the cannibal who saved me from the kidnappers only to keep me to herself. A girl who tried to kill me.
I am lying on the sofa, it has been 3 days since the fist time I saw her. I'm still not used to seeing her eat, for the fact that she eats human. I still get sick. I stood up and went to look out the window. There I saw her, harvesting potatoes. She doesn't look dangerous, she look fragile and innocent. What had turned her into a monster? I can't find any picture in the house, i wonder if she had any family. But this house, its really taken cared off, old buy still perfectly maintained. How long has she been alone here? I still have a lot questions for her but she suddenly felt awkward to me.  And I too. Maybe it was because of that kiss. I shrugged off, remembering the feeling of her lips on mine. I sat down again and tried to sleep. I'm still recovering, my ankle doesn't hurt that much as before though. I remembered the guys who took me, I should be happy they're all dead, but I don't. Its not the justice I wanted. Wait, I remembered she said to the main guy she wouldn't kill him but where is he?? Didn't she kill him yet??
In horror movies, they keep people and torture them in the basement, I need to find the basement. I went up and walked to the stairs, looking  for the basement door. But there isn't any. I tried in the kitchen but to no avail, I went upstairs, maybe she have an attic. I failed. She has no basement and no attic. Where does she do the.....ahm..the chopping?? I never heated her chopped something other than vegetables.
"Your looking for something?" I froze in my place. I didn't hear her walk towards me. How did she get here without me noticing?
"Ahm.. Can I ask you something?" I faced her.
"Go ahead."
I build up my courage, I need to know.
"Where is he??"
She looked at me confused.
"You know, the guy,the one..." She nodded so I didn't finished what I was going to say.
"Come, I'll show you." I panicked. Is she making me see him? She walk towards the kitchen. No,no, I don't think that's a good thing.
"Ahm, I don't think that's a good idea. I was just,..asking?"  She stopped at the dinning table.
"Don't be such a wuss evan, Come and see for yourself "
Then she pushed the table aside, and took the carpet from the floor. Its a trap door. I swallowed hard. She opened it, then climbed down first.
"Follow me and close the trap door." I hesitantly obeyed. It was dark, I can't see anything then suddenly the lights went on, and I couldn't believe what I'm seeing. Were in a tunnel,
"You have a tunnel??" I ask.
"This is actually an old facility, this tunnel leads to 4 places. The first place is my house." She answered. I walked behind her. The tunnels pretty creepy. Then we got to the end of the tunnel where three other tunnels are.
"Where does the other tunnels lead?" I asked
She turned to me. And looked at me. I maybe taller but I'm intimidated by her. This 5'4 woman.
"One of these tunnels.. Is your fastest and safest way back." She sounded sad.
Way back?? So one of this tunnels lead me back to civilization.
"Now I won't tell you which one. And even if you find it, you still have a 3 day walk to the nearest town." She added.
I need to be well again if I want to escape.
"Ahm,why are we here again?" I asked filling in the silence between us.
She walked back,I followed then she stop in one of the light. Then she pulled it and suddenly one of the tunnel walls opened. She pointed the door.
"You can find him there." Am I ready to see what's in there?? I was shaking when I slowly opened the door.
And what my eyes first noticed made my heart skip a beat. There inside a glass cell was the man. Lying inside. I look around, there's a lot of medical things, there's a heart monitor, an oxygen tank, a surgical bed complete with all the lights,and a lot more machines I don't know whats called. I walked towards the cell.
He looks dead.
"He's alive, for now." She passed me and went to knock on the glass cell.
Then i saw him flinched and opened his eyes.
"I already told you everything i know!!" He said sleepily. He havent seen me.
"Well,you have a visitor" she announced. He slowly sat down and faced us.
I cant read his expression. Then he suddenly screamed. I was shock. I stepped back.
Then he cried.
"Help..." He whispered.
He held his arms, i didnt saw that. He no longer have hands and his feet... She shot them and cut them off..and ate them. Thats the only explanation i could think off.
"Lets..get back to the house." I said. I feel my stomach is getting sick. I hate him, seeing him again rose my anger for what he had done to me.
"Tell him who and why he was kidnapped!!"  She urged him.
"Why would I tell him? I'll let him live without knowing anything! Thats the best torture you know.." Then he laughed. I clenched my teeth. How dare he!
I went to the glass cell and banged the glass.
"You monster!!" I shouted at him and punched the cell again and again.
"Stop it." She stopped my hands from hitting again. I shrugged her off. Breathing heavily with so much anger.
"That's not how i do when i get annoyed with him!" She said then she went to the switch buttons at the side of the cell. She pushed a blue button then suddenly there was water pouring in the cell.
He screamed again. The water is going higher, he cant stand. He's definitely gonna drown. Higher,higher, the water is now on the level of his neck. I clenched my fist. This is it.
But then the water stopped. I look at her
" do you want me to end his life now and never know the truth? Or beat him everyday until he spill the beans??" She asked me.
I forgot, i need to know whats the truth.
I regained my normal composure.
"What has he told you??' I asked her.
"That your some rich dude that's stupid to trust everybody!" It hit me, Tue master mind of my kidnap might be one of the people I care.
"I need..i need to get away from here." I walked out of the room and went back upstairs. I went to the room im staying and locked the door. Why is my life so messed up??


I look at him as he left the room. He looked really bad with the information i told him, well it wasnt even half of it.
I push the drain button of the cell.
"Why didnt you tell him all??" The pig asked me.
"If i destroy him, will he want to stay with me? Pig?" I asked him back.
"Bitch, He had a nice life. Why would he choose you over his life??" Then he laughed.
He had a life, he have a family, he was happy...
I want to be with him..

(Thank you for the reads!!)

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