Keeping Sane

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"Talk or I'll blow your fucking head off!" I warned  Calvin.

We just went in the house, told them I want to talk to them about business and they agreed.

Me and Carlisle then went to the house and did what's on the plan. Take all the body guards inside the house. Lock every entrance and capture the dammed.

Were inside his study, his wife crying, their son nowhere to be found. Calvin is on his knees,his hands above his head. And my gun on his head. His face shows anger and defiance, that's him. His vicious and evil. That's the reason why charlie mostly comes to my house before, he's scared of his own father.

"The police will come soon and you're gonna go to jail! I'll take everything you have till you.." He didn't finished what he was saying when Carlisle put his hands to the collar of his white shirt and pulled him up.

"Oh really? Yeah? Your gonna do that? Well here's a news for you.. I'm gonna fucking kill you and this family of yours. But before that were gonna have some fun,yeah?" Then Carlisle put calvin on a chair and tied him up. I didn't even realized he had a rope.

"Evan, please stop this! I'm begging you.. " Rachel begged me. She wasn't a bad mother, but she wasn't a good one too. She was a battered wife, but she didn't escape, because she was on drugs, she can't live without it, so whatever Calvin does to her and to charlie, she won't fight. She'll just cry like it matters.

"Tie her up to, these people are sick as hell. And the fact that she covered his husband and son up.She's one of them, she's one of the people who took my daughter." Carlisle told me. Put her on the chair and took the rope Carlisle gave me. I ties her up.

Carlisle started pouncing on Calvin. The room is filled with Rachel's cry.

Then Carlisle stopped. I took Calvin's phone and dialed Charlie's number.

A few ring then his on.

'I lost her.. She... I'm sorry.. Dad? Me and my men are finding her, we lost her in the subway. New Yorks a big place but I'm gonna fund her.."

I didn't even have to ask. I held the phone in my ear.

"Were coming." Then hung up.

"Were taking the first flight to new York tonight. We need to leave." I muttered to Carlisle.

"Listen to me jackass! If you try to tell the police what happened here, I'm gonna kill you,or better yet I'm gonna get you to my forest and let my daughter hunt you and eat you alive! If anything happens to her I'm gonna be back here and I'm gonna fucking blow your head!" He hissed at Calvin. Then he let's him go. Calvin slumped down the floor. Carlisle kicked him that made him unconscious.

I let go of Rachel who went to her husband.

"What are you gonna do with Mt charlie? Your best friends!" She asked me. I asked took her phone.

"Call your security and tell them to let us out unharmed. If you do that Charlie will live." I ordered. She did as told. Then we went out of the house unharmed.

We went home and brought my parents to the airport. Carlisle gave them his address.

"Your gonna be safe there, my wife is there,tell her what happened. She knows what to do. Here is my car key, its a red truck, I parked it near the lamp post,left side if the airport." Mom took the keys and nodded.

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