It was now around tea time, Jaspar had come out to all and everyone seemed fine with the couple. At first they kept on looking at Dan and Astra as if they were waiting on our answer. They shook there heads despite not wanting to.

"Oh c'mon, we aren't going out!" Dan shouted, he looked rather pissed off and that worried Astra.

Does he want to go out with her?  Astra's gaze quickly made it's way back to the telly. They were all watching a few movies before everyone left.

The main reason they all came today was to meet Astra and to see some of Zoe's new products. It's all for The Sugg family.

Astra tried not to look at Dan or look upset about what he yelled. Though, Louis and Zoe guessed what was up just by taking in a few details of the pair.

"Talk to him about it," Zoe whispered, nudging Astra to go do it.

Astra shook her head as she nervously tried to straighten her sleeves out even though there was nothing wrong with them.

"Stop doing that, it's annoying," Joe snapped.

Astra stopped and then looked at her lap, she felt useless, unwanted and scared. So, Dan may not want to go out with her yet he said something before about seeing what our friendship leads to. Can't he just make up his mind? He doesn't know how confusing this is...

Everyone was on the sofa, some obviously had to go onto the chairs as well because there was barely any space.

On the sofa was, Joe, Astra, Zoe and Alfie. On the two chairs were Marcus (on the one closer to the kitchen and Louise (on the other chair further to the television). Dan, Phil and Casper where sat in front of Astra, Joe, Zoe and Alfie.

"What movie? Adastran, you can pick!" Joe instructed, winking at Astra who started to blush.

"We aren't together, don't make a ship name," Astra demanded, she pushed Joe nearly making him fall off the sofa.

"Guys, stop it! It's annoying," Dan groaned, as he styled his fringe back into it's place. "Yeah I would like to get to know Astra maybe even go out with her but we've only just met!".

"Why just maybe?" Marcus teased.

"We've only just met," he replied.

"Marcus just leave it okay," Astra warned.

Astra felt her phone vibrate in her pocket, so she took it out to see that she gained a text off Marcus. She looked at him and he winked causing Astra to roll her eyes at him.

The girl checked the message only to read:
I can help you make him jealous only if you want me to of course. If not its totally fine and I'll waste my talent on someone else....

Astra quickly texted him back:
If I do this, you promise not to do anything stupid!

From Marcus:
I can't promise you that one but I know it will work. I've helped Naomi with her new boyfriend 😂.

You were dating at the time, idiot!

I know, that was sarcasm... Hey sit with me and see what happens.

Astra made sure Marcus could see her screenshotting the conversation. She then sent it to Zoe and Louis just so they know what's going on. It would be too obvious for Joe to work out.

The girl stood up and stretched before leaping over Phan then making her way over to Marcus. She sat on his lap which wasn't part of the plan but she did want to see his reaction to it. Not Marcus's, Dan's.

Dan just looked at them then turned back to the t.v. It wasn't obvious enough to see how he felt so the boy made sure that Astra was cuddling him.

"Who did you send it to?" Marcus questioned, in a hush whisper.

"Zoe and Louise," I whispered, hoping no one heard.

Wait...why is Dan checking his phone? He started to laugh then he showed Phil who gave Marcus and the youngest Sugg, a sympathetic look.

"You also sent the text to me," Dan laughed, clearly finding it funny.

"What text?" Joe shouted. "Marcus, you haven't made her done anything have you! What the hell, I told you before she didn't like you! Don't force her!".

"He isn't!" Astra bellowed, facing her brother but staying where she is. "He never did anything wrong so don't shout at him!".

"They were trying to make me jealous," Dan said.

Joe immediately blushed, Casper was smirking at his boyfriend. "Awww".

"Shut up, Caspar!" Joe whined.

"Someone's moody..." Caspar mumbled.

"Agreed, someone is moody," Astra muttered.

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