One Direction Adopted a Hybrid?

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Hey guys. New fanfic. read it? Pleaseeeeeeee? :)

Chapter One:

     I woke up in a dark, dark room. I heard footsteps and imediatley got into defense mode. "Awww is the little kittle scared?" I heard someone snicker. I hissed and tired to make out what he looked like. Being part cat is great sometimes. Other times... not so much. Especially when you are surrounded by government agents probably coming to capture you so you can be sold out to digusting human beings that will use you for anything but good. They use you for sex, stealing, murdering, the whole 9 yards. And if you get caught, guess who gets in trouble. You guessed it! Not the master, the hybrid. Someone pulled my hair, someone stepped on my tail, and all of the sudden I was tied up and thrown in a cage. It all happened in a flash... I didn't know what to do. 

     I woke up in what looked like a hospital room, but I knew it was a testing room. They test how well you work with diffrent sounds. If one sounds puts you to sleep, its your weakness, if one sound makes you scared, another weakness, but if one sound makes you want to scream and yell and fight back, thats your stregnth. "Okay.... Cheyenne... However you pronounce THAT.. We're going to play you a few sounds. React how you would normally, if anything happens we'll make sure you turn out okay." AHA THAT was a LIE. They don't give a crap about you, and you'll learn to get used to it. They started playing birds tweeting, and water rushing, wind blowing. I instantley calmed down. Then they stopped and I tensed up. It was silent. Completley silent. Was this a sound test? All of the sudden car horns and bicycle chimes, people yelling and laughing. I automatically raced for the door and started clawing at it. I hated this. I plugged my ears and started screaming. "STOP! STOP IT" It became silent. My voice echoed in the blank white room. Then they started playing voices. Yelling voices. Drunk voices. Then bottles breaking. More yelling. I instantley tensed, and started hissing. I knew it was a speaker, but my brain just told me to get ready to fight. The door opened and two men walked in and launched for them, until one caught me by the throat. I was gasping and wheezing for air as he nodded to the lady to stop the recording. He finally let me fall and I breathed in as much oxegyn my lungs could take. "Might not want to do that kitty. Short and sweet breaths will do much better in this situation. Now if we could carry on, I will take you to Dr. Jefferson so you may get groomed, it looks like there are already some men who want to adopt you!" He said walking out, and pulling me along with him. I was still breathing heavily. "Hello Dr. Jefferson! We have a new patient. This is Cheyenne. Shes 14. Have fun." He said and pushed me into the birght white room. "Well hello there, Cheyenne," He said looking at his clipboard. Looks like you need a hair wash... Maybe a trim... Nails clipped... Ears and tail groomed... New clothes... " He said. He sat me down on a chair where he began washing my hair. I could feel the greasiness and dirt slip away. It felt so good to have clean blonde hair Each female hybrid has to have a strip of colour in their hair, so he let me choose, and I chose a nice lilac colour. Next he told me to wash my body up. After that he handed me some clothes. Black skinny jeans, with a pretty purple shirt, and some purple flats. I admit I looked great, but these clothes probably wouldn't last long when I got to meet my new master, or masterS. "There we are. All dolled up for your new masters." Yup. Knew it. Twice the nightmare. He lead me out to a huge black room, much better on my eyes, and sat me down on the floor, and chained me to the wall. "Stay here until Dr. Smith gets in here." He said, the softness in his voice dissappearing. I sat there and waited, until 5 boys, and one scraggly cut old man walked in the room. 

Hey guys! i really hope you like it. Tell your friends? Thank you <33333

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