Chapter 1

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A/N HEY EVERYONE! OMG, it's so good to be back! I can't actually explain how much I've missed writing my Justin Bieber story! I hope everyone enjoys this one just as much as the last and please please keep voting because it fills me with joy to see that people actually like my books! :) Sorry if this chapter is kind of boring but it's mainly just about reintroducing all the characters and telling a bit of a back story about what's happened since the last book.

The song on the side is one of my favourites at the minute and it's by Ross Lynch so it kinda connects to the story :) Also picture on the side is of Dana's outfit. I'm gonna start posting a picture of her outfit every chapter I think! <3

Without further ado, Chapter 1!

~ Kazzie xxx


Dana's POV

I smiled and watched as Justin jumped out of the doors of the tour bus and threw his arms up in the air.


I laughed.

"You're a nut Biebs! I've really missed touring! I still can't believe you're 18 now! You're getting so old!"

Justin frowned.

"Hey! Enough of the old please! You're only like 9 months younger than me you know!"

I smiled and tapped his nose.

"And don't you forget it."

In case you were wondering, tonight is the first show of the Believe Tour and we're all pretty pumped!

Pattie is out of hospital now and she's fully recovered. You're probably wondering what happened considering you last heard that the machine had gone flat.


The Doctor pushed me and Justin out of the room as a group of nurses gathered around my mom. After about five minutes, there was still no response and the nurse was trying to convince the Doctor to turn the machine off and announce the time of death but one look at Justin breaking down against the corridor wall was enough to make him disagree and keep trying.

Me and Justin couldn't face to watch anymore so we turned and started walking down the corridor. We took a few steps before we heard a familiar beeping from inside mom's room. We rushed over to the window and saw the machine had started up again and it looked like Pattie was awake.

The doctor came out and spoke to us and told us that they needed to monitor her but that our mom was looking to make a full recovery. Me and Justin just broke down in the corridor.

*End of flashback*

"Come on."

Justin put his arm around me and we walked into the arena.

I stared around in awe.

"Wow, this place is huge! I love how even though it's been a couple of years now, things still surprise me."

"I know. I don't think that feeling will ever go away."

We heard a voice call from behind us.

"Hey Biebs! You better now be trying to steal my girl! I can see you with your arm around her!"

I turned around and screamed.

"Ross!! OMG, what're you doing here?"

I ran over and he picked me up and spun me around.

"I've missed you so much!!"

He smiled.

"I've missed you too!! How's the tour so far?"

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