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"I want to forget all the pain that you gave to me since then. After the accident i've experienced i realized everything."

"I realized that the man i met when was 18 was still the same and he won't love me 'til the end even if i die. Danny, what if i die ? What if i did not survived ? I swear you would be happy! Because you're free to marry your girlfriend."

"But sad to say i'm still alive, but do not worry because i won't stop you." She said still looking at him.

"I know everything that i've done. I know all the mistake i've done to you, I know everything i did. But i think i have to explain everything how i do feel if why i did everything to you. I know it was too much, I shouldn't do that to you, but please sorry. I want to say sorry, please give me a chance, One last chance. Please let me to start again with you." He said and he kneeled down infront of her.

"One last chance ? I gave you so much chance, danny and i think they are enough, and you want to start again with me ? You should start again with yourself! You should teach yourself from your mistake! You should accept that we can't be together again. No more US between us again! Set me free like how i set you free to be with Jackie, your girlfriend!" She said, Danny trying to hold her hand but she moved away from him.

"This is not the future i've been dreaming danny! Obviously you ruined everything. My dream is to have a husband who can love me a give me child. But you aren't my husband, we already have three children, still you aren't my husband yet. I guess you're not planning something for me. You can't asked me to be your wife because you are not serious with me. Danny, I need the man who can truly love me and marry me not a man who only wants to play with me! If you can't be that man please stay away from me and set me free." She said

"Don't worry you can still a father to darren and nicky, but i'm begging you to stay away in my life. Be satisfy with your life! Let me find someone better than you!" She said and she started to walk out of her dressing room with her bag.

She get into the car and let out all the tears from her eyes.

She finally did! She's proud of herself now, Finally she said that infront of him, She doesn't need to worry now and now she can be free.

She left him and she doesn't care, She don't believe with his dramas anymore, she don't care about him anymore.

All she care about are her sons and herself. She's finally out of her dark relationship with the man she loved the most.


Danny left in Jessie's dressing room alone. He cried his eyes out, He hate himself for not saying everything, He want to follow her but he chose to let her go and try on the next day.

He wipes the tears streaming down on his face and he started to walk out of her dressing room.

He's now at the parking lot, he can see her car even Jessie inside.  He get in to his car and get a piece of paper and a pen. He wrote...

I wish someday you can forgive and listen to me. Please take care of the kids while i'm not around. I still love you, Jess. - Danny

He get out of his car and he started to walk near to her car. He knocked few times, Jessie is just ignoring him. He looked down at the paper and left the paper at her car's wiper and he walked away.

Great! He can't face her! He shook his head and started the engine.


He can't sleep it's already 11 in the evening, He's sitting on his bed with his back on the headboard. He is still thinking about Jessie and his kids. He think Jessie would entertain someone in her life.

No! it can't be!But you have to let her go, Danny! You have to set her free, Let her to be happy! His mind keep on fighting suddenly he felt his eyes wet.

He'd never been like this since he was a child, He'd never been crying his eyes out like this before.

What's happening ? Why it always affect him about Jessie. Why she is too important in his life ?

He's calling himself a coward now. He's such a coward because he can't fight his love for her. He can't face her now after everything. Everytime he tried he always failed.

What else he could do ? while asking himself he heard his phone ringing.

Jessie's caller I.D is on his screen, maybe it's his son. Yes it's darren, Darren already talking to him after they talked inside of his car
. Darren is in London, while Jessie is here in L.A maybe it's a conference call , because only Jessie has his number maybe that's why rachel can't call him directly. Darren and Nicky are with Jessie's sister.

"Dad!" A voice of darren said. How much he missed him! They became close after the talk, they had some fun and bonding time together with nicky but sad to say not with Jessie.

He pomised to his son that he will do everything for Jessie, but until now he still do nothing.

After earlier's incident he doesn't know what will going to happen next.

"Darren! How are you ?" He asked him and he knows that Jessie is in another line because it's a conference call, three people or more can talk even they are all apart from each other.

"I'm great dad. I missed talking to you, been missing you so much, Nicky can't stop himself saying dada." Darren said.

Does he told that darren already forgive him and they're okay now ? Well darren did! He's happy though!

"What about you daddy ? How are you ?" Darren asked him when he said nothing. Suddenly another tears streaming down on his face. He wipes them away.

"A bit okay son. But danny will be fine." He said, He heard Jessie's voice in the other line maybe she is talking with someone else.

"Why dad ? What happened to you ?" A worried darren asked him.

"Daddy is sick, but do not worry daddy will be fine, Take care of your baby brother, okay ?" He said and it's  true, He feel so sick today maybe he has a fever he doesn't know or maybe just because he cried so much.

"Mum, you still there ?" Suddenly he heard darren asking her mum.

"Yes, baby! I'm sorry. Mummy is just talking with someone, why ?" Jessie asked. He laid on his bed and listening to them.

"Mum, you said daddy is in L.A too right ? Would you visit him please ? He's sick." He heard darren said. Jessie was about to say something but he interrupt.

" No, darren. Daddy is fine, I will get better soon." He said.

"But Dad?! Who's with you ?" Darren asked again and he said no one.

"Please daddy, I'm sure mummy will take of you." Darren said.

"Daddy is big enough and daddy can handle himself now." He said "You should go and sleep now, It's too late son." He said

"You sure dad ?" Darren asked and he said yes. "Goodnight mum, Goodnight dad." Darren said. "I love you both" He added.

"Good night and i love you too." He said. after that darren is not on the other side now. Only him and Jessie left.

No one of them are speaking but he can still hear her talking with someone and she's very happy by the sounds of her voice.

But anyone he decided to hung up, maybe he is distracting her now.

Few hours ago, he can't still sleep and he is under the blanket. He cover all his body because he's freezing

He has a high fever but he chose to ignore. He did not take any medicines because he doesn't care about himself anymore.

Why would he care ? If the woman he love the most doesn't care about him anymore ?

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