hello my name is..

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the stories that i write is unedited sometimes. so here it is.....

Lucy my name is Lucy. Back when i began my summer internship i was 17 just graduated from high school and on my way to college. everything was going for me. I had true friends, a family who believed in me and a job. A job that would end up making my life harder than it needed to be.  You see I'm straight but every time i say it part of me doesn't believe it. How did this happen you ask? Well ill tell you. I woke up one day looked outside my window and saw this girl. The first thing out my mouth was " damn look at that ass", and I've been, what ever i am since. I tried to stop whats going on but i just couldn't.  And that internship didn't help anything.  how about i just tell you the main parts. 

my summer internshipWhere stories live. Discover now