Part 2~ Him!?!

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(I'm so so so so sorry I haven't updated I promise I will try to update more)

(Your p.o.v)
It's been three years since the sans' have come through that portal and they insist on staying to protect me but from what and why? "HELLO (Y/N) WERE BACK" blueberry said. back? Back from what? "Where were you guys I was worried sick" I said in concern "from the park" uf sans said as he went to the kitchen "oh" is all I could think of " ANYBODY WANT TACOS" blueberry said excited "uhh sure" uf sans said "SO H- (Y/N) DO YOU WANT A TACO" blueberry said almost calling you human. "Oh umm no I'm fine blueberry" I said kindly then ran upstairs but as I reached the top a crash came from downstairs. So I walked back down to see blueberry and uf sans aren't there anymore 'Ok weird' I thought to myself. I looked down at my soul which is out for some odd reason but it wasn't just my soul there were strings, blue strings! 'What the hell!!! ' I thought "HeLlO BrAt" a glitchy voice says I look behind me to see a pitch black skeleton with blue tears down his face a hoodie and black shoes with basketball shorts 'odd looks kinda like uf sans but different too uhh well then umm' "Do YoU EvEn SpEaK BrAt" he said still glitching it's kinda cute 'WAIT WHAT NO HE IS NOT CUTE' "u-um y-yes I d-do" I said stuttering not to lie a bit scared of him and don't you dare say you wouldn't be scared reader (HEY FOURTH WALL *cough* ugh umm well the fourth wall needs to stay please) "WeLl ThEn..." he said STILL glitching 'ugh well might as well accept my fate he's going to kill me right? Cuz he's just been staring at me' I thought to myself...

(To be continued)

(Again I'm super sorry for not updating I'll try my best to do more)

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