Oh...It's Not Poison

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Oh...It's Not Poison

"Danielle," Logan said.

I looked out the window giving him the silent treatment. He was the last person that I wanted to talk to at the moment, yet I was stuck with him. Whipping a tear of my face and looking out the window so Logan couldn't tell that I was crying I sighed I should probably explain what happened after school.

I choose option two to let him take me home after letting Logan take me home he decided to come inside.

I shit you not when I say this. Right when my father opened the door Logan punched him in the face, hard. I was to shock to do anything, but when I saw that Logan was about to hit my dad again I stepped in front of my dad. My dad was to worried about his bloody nose to do anything. My dad as cusing as he grabbed a towel.

I told Logan that it was best that he needs to leave, but Logan being stubborned thought that I shouldn't be allowed to be alone with my abusive dad. I tried to get him out but he wasn't getting out anytime soon.

So once my dad was cleaned off Logan said that it was wrong that he abuses me. My dad looked at me strange and he told Logan that he doesn't abuse me. Logan didn't believe him at first but then after a while he beloved my dad and me.

Logan apologized and asked if I could stay over at his place my dad asked to speak to me alone. I explained everything to my dad. My dad said that he doesn't really mind me spending the night with Logan considering that Logan punch him just because he thought that I was being abused that he trusted him to take care of me.

I told Logan that I didn't want to spend the night with him but before I could tell my dad Logan grabbed me and took me in his car.

"Darling say something," Logan said.

I couldn't say anything nice to him so I wasn't going to say anything at all. "I hate you! I don't even know why we were friends," I blurted.

I glared at Logan and I could see his grip on the wheel tighten. After a few minutes we finally pulled up to his penthouse and I ran towards the elevator pressing the close button and his floor number. I saw Logan running trying to get to the elevator but I guess talking to the valet took a while because the elevator closed before he could get inside.

Once I was on the right floor I went to his room and locked the door. I changed into a pair of Logan's shorts which fell really low. I hoped into his bed and turned the window to wear I could look out of it without people looking inside.

I heard footsteps and he tried to open the door finding that it's locked "Danielle, come on talk to me," Logan said.

I sighed blurring myself under the covers and ignoring him.

When I woke up I sat on his bed looking out the window. I was kind of dark after an hour or so I felt the bed weigh down. I looked at Logan.

"How did you get in here?" I asked.

"It my penthouse I have a key for the rooms," Logan said. "I just thought that I would give you time to be alone since you didn't want to open the door," he added.

"Mmm," I said.

"Are you mad at me?" he asked.

I flicked the glass I had no reason to be mad at him. He didn't know any better, I couldn't decide if it was cute that he punched my dad or just stupid. He had reason behind it, but that is my dad so I was kind of upset about that. No matter what I couldn't be mad at him.

"No," I replied.

Logan let out a sigh if relief he hugged me from behind and wrapped his legs around me. "Good, you don't know how sorry I am Danielle I feel like the worst person ever. I got mad at you for not telling me anything when truth is you didn't have to tell me anything. I feel like shit for punching your dad. Gosh I'm such a fuck up," he said putting his face down in my neck.

I turned around, still in Logan's lap with my legs on each side of him. Grabbing his face and picking up the beanie on the bed, and placing it on top of his head. I hugged him squeezing my arms and legs around him tightly.

"Shut up, if anything you're an idiot," I said.

"Well thanks," Logan said sarcastically.

My stomach picked the right moment to growl causing Logan to smirk at me. "Hungry?" he asked.

I nodded "I'm going to make something," I said.

"You're going to make something? you know I can just order food for the chefs to make," Logan said.

"I know but they do that every day," I said.

"But that's their job their getting paid to do that," Logan replied.

I rolled my eyes at him and started crawling which made Logan fall back and grab my thighs. Logan laughed "Sorry," I said getting off of him.

"It's okay," he said while we walked to the kitchen "So what are you going to be making us?" he asked.

"I don't know I'll have to see what you have," I said opening the fridge and finding nothing but drinks and left over food from the chefs. I opened the freezer seeing oven food.

"See anything you can make?" Logan asked from behind.

"Give me some space, and I think he only thing I can make out of the foods you have is a grilled cheese sandwich," I said.

"Okay," he said.

I started going through his kitchen finding a pan and then I started cooking. "Here," I said sliding the plate over to him.

"I've never had a grilled cheese sandwich," Logan said.

"Really how have you never had a grilled cheese?" I asked him.

Logan shrugged "I don't know I guess it was never on the menu for the chefs," he said.

"Oh," I replied.

Before Logan could take a bite the phone rang and he answered it. "No Danielle made me something to eat," he said. "Yeah okay," he said hanging up.

"That was Walter he was asking if I wanted something to eat. I think he thought that I was skipping out on a meal. I told him that you cooked though," he said.

"Oh yeah and what did he say?" I asked.

"He said if it makes me sick then you are going to be the one to take care of me," he said.

I looked at my sandwich "Oh...Its not poison," I said.

"I know it tastes good," Logan said after swallowing his bite.

After watching a few episodes on TV I got up from the couch "I should probably be going to bed I'm tired,"

"Sleep with me tonight," Logan said grabbing my arm pulling me to his room closing the door.

"I didn't exactly agree to this," I said as he pulled me into his bed.

"Come on Danielle. It's not like we're going to have sex," he said. Then he smirked "Unless y-,"

"NO!" I said cutting him off before he could finish his sentence.

Logan took off his shirt and shorts putting on pajama pants and getting into bed. He patted the spot next to him. I sighed getting in next to the window.

"Danielle?" Logan asked.

"What?" I questioned him.

"Can I hold you?" he asked.

He wanted to hold me, the fact that he asked was enough for me. "Sure," I replied.

I felt Logan scoot closer to me and wrap his arms around my body tightly pressing himself against me. "Sorry it gets kind of lonely living alone and while your here and not a boy like Austin and Brock I want to hold you," he said.

"I get it," I said. "Night hubby," I added.

"Night Darling," he replied.

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