Oh...how unfair life is

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Oh...how unfair life is

"Oh my god, Logan I don't know how you are not excited about this you are meeting your mom!!" I said jumping on him and hitting him with a pillow "Your mom, your real mom!!" I said falling backwards hanging myself upside down on the bed kicking my les up to a backbend thing.

"That's because I didn't have two monsters," Logan said rubbing his eyes.

"Do you want one you look tired," I said reaching for my bag opening one and shoving it in his face.

Logan looked at me worriedly "Thanks Danielle," he said taking it out of my hand and drinking it.

It was 4 in the morning and we still had to drive to his moms house but there was no point in getting sleep for me because Im not tired. Not to mention it's a thirty minute can drive to her house.

"Can I have a sip?" I asked.

Logan handed me his monster

I took it drinking it, then Logan snatched it out if my hand "Ok you know what I don't think you need to be drinking anymore of these," Logan said grabbing the others and pouring them down the sink.

"What are you doing!!?" I said running and jumping on him making him drop the monster in the sink

"Danielle if you wanted to have a wrestling match all you had to do was ask for me to come to bed with you," Logan said.

"Haha," I sarcastically. "But why are you getting rid of the monster it so addicting I love it why would you do that to me Logan? monster is making me happy," I bemoaned to him.

"You are getting too hyper Danielle no more monster for you," Logan said grabbing on to me and twisting me where his hands squeezed my butt and my legs were on both sides of him.

Logan is so strong, I mean I'm not heavy but I liked that I could jump on him and not have him fall down.

"God I love you Danielle. I really love you," Logan said while placing me down on the hotel bed and leaning down on me.

"You do?" I asked.

"Yes I love everything about you Danielle," he repeated "how did you not know?" he asked.

"Well I mean I knew you liked me because we are obviously dating one another so that means you have some sort of feeling of attachment towards me. I just didn't know that you love me and I can honestly say I feel relieved," I said.

"Relieved?" he questioned putting my hands above my head and getting closer to me, which I didn't think was possible because we were already fairly close to one another.

"Yes relieved, because I love you too and I didn't want to be the one of the two with those feelings so I didn't say anything. I'm so happy one of use has balls in this relationship," I said.

"I'm happy one of us has balls in this relationship too, and that it's me," Logan said.

I just couldn't contain myself "Eehhh," I did that girly squeal, kicking and shaking my hands then putting a pillow on top of my face sighing.

"What was that?" Logan asked.

I removed the pillow "I'm just so happy, I mean I don't know what guys do when they are overjoyed but that's what girls do when they are in bed and excited," I explained.

"No more monster," Logan said.

"I can't believe it now I can say it to you as many times as I want, and where ever we are, when ever! And in public! or in private!!! " I exclaimed.

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