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"(Y/N)" you hear your dad screaming from the other room "Yeah, what's that?" "It's time to go, don't you wanna come with me?" "Yeah, for sure, just give me a minute!" "Alright" Your father is a director and he is now working on a wonderful project. You love his job and since you werr a little girl you've always been with him on set and this time you won't miss the opportunity to spend some time with him. "Here I am" you say as you stand in front of him, ready to go, in a tight black t shirt and tight black leather jeans and of course your beutiful black and white sunglasses and big white bag. "(Y/N), you're so beautiful! You'll leave everyone astonished" "Thank you daddy! I love you! " You say as you wrap your arms around him. "Let's go now" "Yeah"
You both reach the set. It's full of people chatting and walking. You're used to these kind of places but this time the set is really huge. "I'm so proud of you" you say to your father "I'm so proud of you too " he replies. "Now it's time to go. I need to work. You can do as every time you come with me. Whatever you want." "Thank you dad! And good luck with work!" You say to him, winking. "Thanks, sweetheart" he leaves you and reaches his chair and starts his job. Now let's start visiting round here...

The DancerDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora