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You have a wonderful dinner. During it you chat to your father and wink at Sebastian when no one's watching.
As the whole crew togheter heads to the hotel, Sebastian furtively grabs your hand."What are you doing?"You ask him "Sorry, but I needed to touch you somehow."You smirk"You have touched me enough I guess." "Never enough" he smirks too."I wanna be alone with you tonigh" he says."I want that too. But we can't, you know it." "We will. Be sure of that." As you reach the hotel you say goodnight to everybody and go to your room. Sebastian goes to his.Time passes.You fall asleep with your dress still on waiting for Sebastian. At some point you hear the door knocking. You wake up.It's 2 a.m."Well...late is better than ever" you say with a sleepy voice as you open the door. "I had to make sure everyone was asleep!And look what I brought you!" He smiles while holding up a CD." He puts it inside the CD player and "Roxanne" from the movie Moulin Rouge  starts playing, at a very low volume of course."Oh my god, don't tell me you wanna dance" "I do" he says as he grabs your waist and gets close to you.You two start dancing "This is how we met, remember?"he asks "How could I forget!" "You were almost naked." "Yes"you laugh."Well you'll be fully naked this time" he smirks as he unzips your dress.You keep dancing.He slowly takes off your dress, leaving you naked, since you're wearing absolutely nothing."Shit, how am I supposed to be focused on the dance?" He laughs."I don't know" you reply as you start taking his shirt off. "Hmm, abs" "Nothing compared to your tits"he whispers as he makes you fall and then holds you up close to his face.You kiss him and pull his pants and boxers down. You're both dancing naked now. But you still got your heels on. You dance and touch each other's bodies till the song ends. "Such a good dancer" he says. "Such a good partner" you smirk looking at him and then at his close "friend".

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