Facing the Inevitable (Part 4)

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"I can't believe you practically asked Brittany to sleep with you! I knew you were bold, but I didn't think you'd go that far!" Michael laughed as he flopped down on the couch, resting his head in your lap. Absentmindedly you ran your fingers through his hair. You were becoming more accustomed to life here with the boys. Meetings on the roof had become a nightly thing. It would always end with Ashton in his chair, propping his feet up while telling some ridiculous story, Luke sitting in the chair beside you (denying the beer the boys would try to pass him), and you and Michael sitting on the couch, usually like this.

"I talked her into sponge baths, so she's already seen me naked. Why can't we take it to the next step?"

"You're an idiot, Ash." Michael rolled his eyes.

"No you're the idiot, Michael." Ashton replied before chunking a pillow at him. You couldn't help but laugh as Michael and Ashton full out started their pillow fight.

"Careful, you two. One of you is going to end up throwing one of those off the roof!" You said as you dodged a pillow coming from Ashton. They continued their fight for a few more minutes until all of the pillows were scattered across the helipad and out of their reach. "Are you done now?"

"Yeah, we're good." Michael said before returning to his previous position. "So, the concert is tomorrow night. You all still want to go, right?" Both you and Ashton gave a mix of um-hums, yeahs, and nods of agreement.

"I dont know. What if something happens? We'd be away from the hospital and wouldn't have anyone to help us." Luke pitched in.

"Ah, come on, Luke. Live a little." Michael told him, reaching back to give him a light punch to his knee. "Now, all we need is to sneak past Jackie. Any ideas?"

"One of us could fake being sick while the other three sneak out, and then miraculously recover." You suggested.

"No, then she'll know something's up. We need something bigger. Something that will grab her attention without laying suspicion on us." You hummed, looking up to the sky as if it would give you the answer. "What's something big that would catch her attention."

"Calum waking up." You whispered sarcastically.

"That's not a bad idea." Michael replied, sitting up.

"I was just kidding, Michael."

"He doesn't have to actually wake up. We can just make it seem like he did." You, Ashton, and Luke all looked at him in confusion. "If one us presses his call button then Jackie will see and come rushing to his side. That gives us time to get to the elevator."

"You can't be serious? Pressing a guy in a coma's call button. We could get in some much trouble for that!" Luke said, clearly not on board with Michael's plan.

"Calm down, Luke. We won't get caught. Whoever presses the button will be in and out before she can get there. It'll be easy. Plus, Calum will be glad he got to help."

"I still don't know..."


You wore your white and black ATL shirt with your black denim shorts. Accompanying them were your leather combat boots, and a couple bracelets on your wrist. Your makeup was minimal: light foundation, a little bit of eyeliner, a dab of blush on each cheek and a neutral lip gloss. You'd been to a few concerts before and knew if you wore a ton of makeup that it would be dripping of your face by the time the show was over. As you looked at yourself in the mirror, you couldn't help but think something was missing. For the most part your outfit was just black and white. You needed something besides a bold lip color to brighten it up.

"I know what I need." Quickly, you crossed over to Michael's side of the room and pulled his red and black plaid flannel from his closet. Slipping your arms through, you returned to the mirror, checking to see if it worked. The shirt was a little big on you, but you thought it completed the look. Noticing the sleeves went past your wrists, you rolled both of this up to your mid forearm so they wouldn't get in the way.

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