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Chorong Pov
"Whatever!"he stomp his feet and went out from my room.

"Taehyung!"I shout his name but he already left.

Why suddenly he being like that?

As i want to left to run after Taehyung. I have been stopped by someone.

As i turn around , Jungkook is the one who is grabbing my hand.

"Don't go"He said.

"But he…"

"He will be fine later , you don't need to be worried"he said.

"But what if he m-"I stopped when suddenly Jungkook pinned me at the wall and now we are looking at each other.

"Why did you looked really worried when he is mad at you?"He asked.

I startled.

"Jungkook why you-"

"Stop doing to my feelings like this!"he said.

"W-what do you mean?"I asked.

He suddenly lean in and now our face is just an inched away.

"Stop making my heart felt miserable"He said and suddenly his tears forms.


He stared at my lips and then i just realised that he…

crashed his lips on mine...

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