Chapter 1 - Discovery

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So yay chapter 1! I hope you guys will stick around until the end. I'll do my best to update as frequently as I can, but life gets in the way sometimes.... Please enjoy~~^^


*Toi Hee POV*

"It all started in 1939 when France and Great Britain declared war on Germany...."

The teacher keeps droning on in the background. I sit in the opposite corner of the teacher's desk. Usually I stare out the window, I also had a nice view of the front entrance and garden of the school.

Today I really didn't want to be in class. I was so tired from staying up all night finishing a science lab report for chemistry. I was beat. Ring ring ring! Finally class was over. One down 3 more to go.

I head to my locker to grab my class's binder and textbook, when a group of girls shoved me to the wall screaming. They were screaming and fangirling, you could say, down the stairs until they were to far away to hear. What the hell was that? I thought to myself. For the rest of the day I carried on like a robot, just surviving the day was my goal.

Finally lunch came around, and there was huge crowd gathered around the main entrance. Teachers were trying to control the crowd that had shown up, but nothing can beat raging teenage hormones.

"What's all the fuss, Lizzy? (short for Elizabeth, my English name)" my best friend Jenni asked.

"I'm not too sure. But whatever it is. I'm not that interested. Probably some stupid kid trying to get attention." I answered back.

Jenni and I have been friends since kindergarten and we're in our senior year of high school. If we do the math (I hate math by the way) we've been friends for 12 years now! She probably knows me better than I know myself. But same could be said about her. We were two peas in pod. Inseparable.

Jenni and I seated ourselves near the windows of our school cafeteria. It was such a sunny day, but the weather was getting chillier. Winter was soon approaching. Suddenly, Sarah and Alexis came running in and sliding next to us with excited looks on their faces.

"Guys guess what?!" Sarah squealed.

"There's this guy from a talent agency that scouting for new yet-to-be-discovered artists!" Alexis finished with excitement.

Jenni looked at me longing when Alexis mentioned new yet-to-be-discovered artists. I shot her a look and she quickly went back to eating. Some things should be left a secret.

"But what does this have to do with us?" I asked.

"He's looking for someone with an Asian background. He wants to find an English speaking Kpop idol." Sarah replied back.

"What's a kpop idol?" I wondered.

"It's the people who sing the music I've been raving about this whole month!! It's basically pop music in Korean. But the guys are sexier, handsomer and the music videos are wicked!" Jenni chimed in.

"Oh... Why don't you audition then?" I asked Jenni.

"Aha funny, you know I'm tone deaf. And on top of that I have 2 left feet."

"That's why I love you." I answered back with a smile.

Lunch finished and as I was walking past the front entrance again, there were less people. I peered around some heads and saw the scout. He was a bit taller than me and he looked like a professional. But the professionals that like to have at what their doing. Our eyes met and started walking towards me.

What do I do? Did I offend him? Should I run? Should I stay? My head was racing with thoughts. Too late. He was already in front of me. I looked up. From up close he really was intimating, he had this superiority aura flowing out from him.

"Do you happen to be Korean?" He asked.

"I am... But I don't speak it very well." I answered timidly.

"That's good, that's good." He mumbled to himself. "Ok you're casted! You've got the looks, maybe just a few more touch ups on skin care, and maybe lose a few kilograms. You already know some Korean. And you've got the height."

I was too stunned to even feel offended about my skin and weight. I kinda just stood there with my mouth open.

"U-um thank you..?"


*L.Joe POV*

I was trying to close my eyes. The car was bumping up and down as we drove from our fan meeting in Incheon back to Seoul. Ricky and Chunji hyung were so loud singing to every song on the radio. "Seulpeohajima NO NO NO honjaga anya NO NO NO

Eonjenanana naege hangsang bichi dwae jun geudae

Nae soneul jabayo ije jigeum dagawa gidae

Eonjena himi dwae julge!!!!!!!" (if you didn't know that was A Pink "No No No")

"Yah! Chincha! Some people are trying to sleep here!" I turned around and yelled at them.

"Lighten up L.Joe. You can sleep when we're home." Ricky said back.

"You dare talk back to your hyung? And guess what, when we get back, we gotta practice DBSK sunbaenim's Mirotic choreography for the year end kpop concert in 2 weeks. So, no I can't sleep when we get back to Seoul!" I yelled at him.

"Aigoo, chill out hyung. Just needed to ask. No need to be so mean." Ricky said with a pout slumped down on the car seat and closed his eyes.

Finally quiet. Once again I try to close my eyes and sleep. But then I feel a tap on my shoulder. I try to ignore it. But it just keeps on tapping, harder and harder. I finally break and jerk around.

"Wae!! Can a guy just sleep peacefully for a bit?" I said angerly.

"Yah, I'm your hyung. You better not use banmal (informal speech) with me!" Chunji hyung said. "Anyways do you know where Andy PD-nim went?"

"How would I know? Didn't he say he was looking for some new talents to become a trainee?" I told him.

"Arasso. Just wondering. He's never gone for this long. Maybe he found a lot! I wonder if they're girls. Our company is missing some girls. It's mostly all guys." Chunji said with a hint of a sad tone in his voice. And leaned back against his seat.

For the next hour, the car was relatively quiet. Just a few conversations between members every now and then. Soon we got back to TOP Media and had to start dance practice. Manager (from now on hyung-nim) went out to buy us some food. We get each have a fried chicken box set tonight!

"Andy PD-nim is gonna be back a couple of days before your special stage at the year end concert. So practice hard!" Hyung-nim told us as we ate our chicken dinner.

"Whferfe did PD-nphim goph?" Niel said with his mouthful. "He went abroad. That's why his gone for longer than usual."

"Jeongmallo?" I wondered out loud.

"I hope he scouted for some foreign girls!" Ricky squealed. Changjo props him for that.

After dinner was over and we licked our fingers clean. We began practicing for our special year-end performance for Gayo Daejun. And maybe a few girl trainees wouldn't hurt. After all it's only us and our label mate 100%.


*End of Chapter 1*

A/N *Sorry I haven't posted in a long time! Please vote and comment! And please keep reading! I'll be faster now that the semester is almost over!*


Trainee and the Star - L.Joe [Teen Top] fanfic {Ongoing}Where stories live. Discover now