Assasin training

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Elessar will be your teacher. You will learn to become proper assassins here. There will be no rebellious natures. got it? sit still. pay attention. And do not insult your teacher, the Shinigami. ~Alpha Alter Wisdom

Elessar is my elfin part, and it is the form that will be teaching you anything you'd need to know about being a good assassin. And I do not mean the "tough guy" assassin you'll find lurking just for killing. That's not what it is all about. As Alpha Alter said, I only expect you pay attention, and insult nobody. First think you should know is I value respect. ~Alpha Siegfried

Assassin training will be held in various locations depending on the day, each area is to test you in different ways. Assassins are quite possibly one of the most disciplined people you will find, no matter what the stimulus is.

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