Chapter 17

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Jason's P.O.V

When we carried Alex and Mariah upstairs to the room we locked the doors and they were cussin,fussin and they both was speakin spanish Alex was hot as hell and she lost her snapback so she was highly pissed but she was lookin SEXY ASH

Alex said "Ese hijo de perra debería matarla por hablar de Kimberley sólo si supiera que es la única mierda inútil en este mundo que me gustaría ser capaz de correr su sucio culo de serpiente con un autobús, pero no tengo mi licencia de autobús y esta perra me hizo dejar mi maldito gorra SnapBack en, no voy a dejar que mi gorra SnapBack en se vaya a follar"and stomped out the room with Mariah right behind her Mark looked at me and I said

"Well..come on we have to get her did you not understand her or something"

I ran out the room after Alex and Mariah with Mark right behind me than he finally realized that she was headed back to Kesha house for her SnapBack

20 seconds later

They had calmed down and Alex got her snapback back right after she broke Kesha nose because when we got there she was wearing it, but anyway their eyes changed back to brown than Mark crazy ass said to Maria

"DAMNNNN bae what the hell happened to you, you turned from a sweet flower to Jason the serial killer scared the hell outta me and by the way what the hell did Alex say before she left"

I was just rollin when I say rollin I mean tears were comin out my eyes, this dude has no chill at all and when I calmed down

Maria said "Alex said that That son of a bitch I should kill her for talking about Kimberley, only if she knew that she's the only useless shit in this world I would like to run her dirty, fishy snake ass over with a bus, but I don't  have my bus license and this bitch made me leave my damn snapback, I'm not gonna let my snapback get to FUCKED up"

Me and Mark were on the floor crying when Mariah translated what Alex said I hugged Alex and asked her was she happy she got her snapback back she shook her head yes and we all laughed

"when our eyes turn pitch black that means we're blacked out and we cant control our anger and piece of advice don't touch us when we're blacked out we will try to kill you to get to that person" Alex said with Mariah jumping in at the end

"I aint know you could speak spanish either shit that was sexy as hell" Mark said to Mariah and she blushed

"And I didn't know you speak spanish either Alex you can speak it to me anytime baby" I said kissing her

"One time I used all the curse words I knew in one sentence cussing out my dad because he ate my chocolate when I was on my period than I cried afterwards because there was nomore" Mariah said, we all had tears in our eyes from laughter

Alex's P.O.V

After Maria said that I bust out laughing I swear tears were coming out my eyes

" s-s-stomach h-hurtssss lmfao" I said inbetween laughs

After we all caught our breath we went downstairs and Jason told Kimberley she was staying with him for now on

"Ok but can Ms.Maweyah,Ms.Alex, and Mark stay too"she asked him he said

"Why don't you go ask them if they wanna stay ok" she said ok and ran to me, Mark,and Mariah and asked

"Do you wanna stay wift me at my daddy house he said I could ask yall"we all said yea

5 minutes later

The party was over everyone was gone we cleaned up Mark got clothes to stay at Jason's house and drove me and Mariah to get our clothes and we met Jason and Kimberley at his house

Mariah's P.O.V

We all stayed at Jason's house tonight and watched movies and talked and made cookies it was fun and then Kim went in her room and Jason and Alex went in Jason's room and me and Mark went in the guest room we all did our hygiene things and went to sleep

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