"Don't make me watch that film," Frankie begged "I'll be having nightmares for weeks, months even!"

"Hey, the Texas chain-saw massacre is a classic," Lockie pointed out, his eyes fixed on Frankie's pouting face. "Oh come on Frank don't do this to me"

"How about we watch this first and then you can choose the next two to calm your nerves?" Eden suggested, earning a sharp look from Anna who clearly thinks it's a terrible idea. Having to sit through one of Frankie's rom-coms was bad enough, let alone two. Frankie looked unsure as her green eyes narrowed before she looked up and nodded in defeat.

"Sit next to me Frank, I'll protect you" Lockie joked, flexing his impressive bicep.

"I'm gonna grab a bottle of wine a second does anyone want a beer?" Eden asked before getting to her feet. Incoherent 'yeah's and 'mhmm's were made in her direction.

Eden's favourite time of the week was whenever her and her friends got to just chill out and watch a movie, she knew this was only the beginning to a great night. She headed to her small mini fridge grabbing three beers and a bottle of rosè.

"I should probably take some cloth" Eden mumbled absentmindedly to herself knowing that Frankie would most definitely spill red wine down her front when something alarming happened in the film.

"Are you talking to yourself?" Cole's amused voice came as a shock causing her to jolt up quickly almost dropping the bottle of wine in the process.

"...Yes, don't pretend you don't do it" She remarked, skillfully closing the fridge door with her foot. The kitchen in the girl's apartment was compact and cute, marble topped counters filled most of the space with the odd electronic device here and there, the walls were painted a stone shade of grey complimented by the pale shade of wood on the cabinets situated above their heads.

"I get a feeling you don't like my company anymore Eden" Cole stated simply, his green eyes curious and fixed on her, her stomach jumped but she wasn't sure if it's because of the way he's looking at her or because she's been caught out.

"What makes you say that?" Eden laughed nervously attempting to push past him but he stopped her with a strong arm, she swallowed hard putting the drinks down on the counter.

"You don't speak to me like you used to, we were so close? Now I just feel like you avoid conversation with me and only speak to me when you're forced" He continued. 'Guilty' she thought to herself, she had been avoiding him and for good reason.

"Maybe I don't like the way you treat women" Eden blurted sounding a lot more bitter than she'd intended, only just finding the confidence to look him in the eye.

"Excuse me?!" Cole raised his voice, clearly taken aback and angry by her opinion.

"Can you guys hurry up!" Anna yelled from the next room, Eden swiftly picked up the drinks, rushing past Cole before he could stop her. She'd made things ten times worse by being honest and boy did she feel suffocated by the intense awkwardness.

"Sorry I couldn't find the wine" Eden lied, cringing at how stupid she sounded.

"It was in the fridge..." Anna stated obviously, giving Eden a 'what the hell is wrong with you' look. Eden subtly shook her head at Anna as if to say 'another time' "I guess I could've moved it" She added earning a grateful smile from Eden.
After handing out the drinks she took her place on the corner of the couch, snuggling into the fluffy throw placed over the top. To her delight Cole takes his place on the couch right next to her leaving her no room to move, Eden's breath hitched in her throat as his thigh rubs against hers causing her skin to set alight with desire.

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