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It'd been two days since Eden had lost her job, and she'd still not heard back from anyone that was willing to hire her. She looked up from her emails with her head in her hands, why did this have to happen to her? She was a great worker, she loved her job and the customers loved her.
Tomorrow was Cole's business opening party and she was dreading it, constant niggles from her brother and her friends reminded her how much of a big opportunity Cole had offered her, and she'd turned it down.
She was simply too proud to take the job, that's what she told herself. But deep down she knew that she was protecting herself from falling for Cole all over again.
She could hear her friends out on the roof terrace discussing business plans with Cole and her brother whilst she sat inside miserable in the roasting heat scrolling through countless job websites.
"This is useless." She muttered to herself, shutting her laptop forcefully.
She got to her feet and cautiously headed out onto the roof terrace.
"Any luck?" Cole asked, amusement clear in his tone only making her mood more sour.
"What do you think?" She snapped.
"Well you know where we are when you change your mind love." He drawled, smirking to himself.
"A, I won't change my mind and B, don't call me 'love'." She warned, expecting her brother to stand up for her but he didn't bat an eyelid.
"Whatever you say love." He said smugly, Eden bit her tongue very aware that her language would be colourful if she let it out.
"Okay Cole leave the girl alone, I'll help you look later if you like Eden?" Frankie offered kindly, making Eden smile.
"Thanks Frank but I think four hours looking for a job in one day is plenty enough, plus I emailed four new people so fingers crossed." She spoke with so much fake positivity anyone could realise she was giving up hope.
Lockie smiled sympathetically, patting the spot next to him.
Eden willingly hopped onto the bench, watching as her friends and Cole talked business.
She couldn't ignore how the direct sunlight seemed to illuminate Cole's blue-green eyes more than usual, making them glow appealingly.
He was dressed more casually today but still impeccably smart, he wore a tan shirt with the sleeves rolled up just below his elbows coupled with a tight pair of black jeans finished off with a black pair of boots.
"You still down for this party tomorrow?" Lockie asked her, giving her a nudge.
"You bet, I'm not one to turn down free alcohol." She joked smiling at him.
"Who said it's free?" Cole asked, plonking down next to her, "can you pass me my water please?" He asked pointing to the bottle of water on the table in front of Lockie.
"If you want me to come to your shitty party you're going to give me free alcohol," She informed him, passing him his bottle "plus it's not like you can't afford it." She pointed out, turning to face him as he downed the water, beads of sweat trickling down the side of his tanned face.
"You aren't wrong there, love." He rasped, she rolled her eyes determined not to give him the reaction he was craving.
"Will we be introduced as your business partners now?" Anna asked taking a seat opposite Cole.
"Yeah, I hope you're ready to work your asses off." He encouraged.
"It's going to be great! I can't wait." Frankie squeaked, clapping her hands together.
Eden loved seeing her friends happy but she couldn't ignore the small tinge of jealousy she felt at how well they got on with Cole, but then again neither of them had a crush on him.
"Before all the chaos of tomorrow how about we all go for dinner now? On me." Lockie asked, Frankie jumped up out of her seat clearly estactic with the idea.
"Yes I'm starving!" She chirped.
"Aren't you always?" Anna asked, smiling to herself.
"Yeah I guess I am, I just need a good, strong man to feed my appetite." She joked, nudging Anna playfully.
"That's gross, Eden are you coming?" Anna asked pleading with her eyes, she didn't want to have to deal with hyperactive Frankie on her own again.
Eden nodded, getting to her feet.
"What kind of person would I be to turn down a free meal?" She asked.
"The same kind of person that turns down a great job for no valid reason." Cole stated shrugging, Eden glared at him before following Frankie who was heading down to Lockie's car.
"Stop being a dick Cole." She heard Lockie warn him making her smile gently, she could always rely on her brother.
The five of them emerged from the apartment complex into a surprisingly calm street.
"I'll meet you guys there, I gotta do something first." Cole announced walking towards his car.
"More like someone." Anna muttered under her breath causing Frankie to giggle.
"Alright but don't be too long or we'll eat without you!" Lockie warned, getting into the drivers seat.
The girls followed suit and climbed into the car.
"I'm craving a giant plate of cheesy nachos right about now so he better not take forever to arrive." Frankie warned, clipping her seat belt on.
"Nachos sound like a good idea." Eden agreed, her mouth watering at the thought.
"I'll even make sure the chef puts slices of cucumber all the way around the plate, just the way you like it." Lockie said, causing a loud celebration from Frankie.
"I hope Cole doesn't bring anyone with him." Anna huffed.
Eden hoped that too but she had a feeling he was going to turn up with yet another female on his arm. She didn't even know why she worried, he only ever saw the woman once before he was onto the next.
"To be honest me too, I'm sick of introducing myself as the single friend that they all try and go after when Cole dumps them." Lockie joked, taking a left turn.
"We need to find you a nice girl Lock," Frankie decided "What do you look for in a girl?" She asked.
"Let's see, blondes with dark eyes are great, someone that will be able to take my banter without getting offended, someone that will go places with me," He ruled off, one by one "and preferably someone around the same age as me."
"So if I conclude all of the feedback you just gave me, you want someone exactly like Ann." She put it bluntly, Eden heard Anna choke on her breath slightly.
"What no that's not what he said!" She rushed, trying to stay calm but failing miserably.
"I'm just stating the facts." Frankie said, grinning to herself.
"Oh look we're here!" Anna blurted climbing out of the car as soon as it stopped, desperate for the conversation to change direction.
"Try not to pile it on her Frank, you know what she's like." Eden advised, not wanting Anna to feel uncomfortable.
"Slowly, slowly catchy manatee!" Frankie said proudly, Eden couldn't contain her laughter as they walked into the restaurant.
"It's monkey Frankie, not manatee." She informed her friend.
"Oh I know I just love manatees, they're so fat and cute!" She gushed, slipping into their usual booth next to Anna as Eden followed.
Rob, one of the young waiters spotted them and headed over to take their orders.
"Okay so Frankie and Eden want cheesy nachos with cucumber slices all the way around the plate, I'll have the toasted bacon bagel and Anna?" He asked, looking in her direction.
"I wanna try the bacon bagel but can I get cheese in it too?" She asked Rob politely, he smiled at her scribbling away on his notepad.
"Absolutely, is that it?" He asked, Lockie nodded thanking him.
"We'll order drinks when Cole gets here." He said, his grey eyes fixed on the door.
"Can you pass me a drinks menu?" Eden asked, thanking Anna as she handed her one.
"Oh shit." She heard Lockie curse under his breath causing her eyes to snap up from the menu.
Her eyes followed to where he was looking and sure enough there was Cole with a small dark haired girl, she was wearing a deep v neck top that showed off her cleavage and a skin tight pair of jeans that complimented her thin legs, the heels she was wearing made Eden dizzy at even the thought of wearing them, Eden looked down at herself and laughed at what she was wearing whilst rolling her eyes, no wonder Cole never looked twice at her. He had his hand on the small of the girl's back as he lead her over to their booth.
Eden's body began to fill with anger and jealousy, as she watched the small girl playfully swat his chest, giggling too hard at something he said.
"Guys this is Hailey." He introduced her the way he introduced the woman the week before her, and the week before her.
"Hey Hailey, nice to meet you." Lockie said, standing up to greet her and Cole.
"You too." She spoke, climbing into the booth so that she was sandwiched between Lockie and Cole, any woman's dream.
"Hi I'm Frankie and this is Anna and Eden." Frankie introduced them all grinning, Eden wasn't sure if her ability to see the best in people was a good trait or an unfortunate one.
"Oh yes you're the girl's Cole told me about," She said with a slight hesitation in her tone, her eyes scanning each of the girl's one by one "forgive me but I assumed you'd be a little more...Well, like me." She implied, laughing loudly taking the girl's by surprise.
"You're right, individuality is a terrible thing." Anna stated sarcastically, Eden had to stifle a laugh, looking at Lockie hoping he'd say something to change the subject.
"Drinks!" Lockie rushed, passing Hailey a drinks menu.
"Oh is this all you have? You should see the places I usually go to I'm sure you could learn a thing or two." She continued making Eden's eyes widen, she couldn't believe how rude this woman was being without even realising it.
"I think I'll have a sex on the beach!" Frankie chirped, placing the menu back in its holder.
Hailey smirked, looking up from the menu.
"I don't expect you've ever had sex on an actual beach have you? You should try it it's wild." She encouraged, Frankie gawped at her unsure if she was slating her or being genuinely friendly.
"I'll have the same as Frankie." Eden spoke, she needed alcohol in her system if she was going to sit through this for the next hour or so.
"Me too." Anna agreed, taking Eden's menu and placing it back.
"We already ordered so if you want food you'll have to order your own." Eden told Cole, speaking to him for the first time.
He tilted his head to the side, looking at her before nodding.
"I already ate so I hope it won't bother any of you if I don't eat." Hailey stated, scooting closer to Cole.
"Fine with me." Anna said shrugging.
"So what do you do for a living?" Frankie asked Hailey, oblivious to her snobby attitude.
"I do some acting here and there but my main profession is modeling." She informed them, smiling proudly.
"Of course you are, you're very pretty." Frankie complimented, it took every bit of self control Eden had not to glare at her.
"I should think so," She scoffed "I've walked for New York fashion week for years." She spoke as if they offended her for not knowing who she was.
Frankie frowned, unsure how to take her answer. Eden decided that the trait was definitely an unfortunate one.
Just as it began to get awkward Rob walked over with the food, Eden let out a sigh of relief thanking him as he layed the food in front of her.
"Hey Rob can I get a plate of those too please?" Cole asked gesturing to Eden's nachos, they told Rob what drinks they wanted and he nodded rushing off into the kitchen, coming back minutes later with their cocktails.
"They're really not great for you Eden they're going to bloat you like crazy and you don't need that." Hailey stated rudely as Eden took a bite of her nachos. She stopped what she was doing instantly and looked up at her.
"Cole just ordered the exact same?" She pointed out.
"Yes but Cole could do with fattening up." Frankie choked on one of her nachos after she heard what Hailey said.
"I'm sorry I don't quite understand what you're trying to insinuate." Eden breathed deeply trying to stay calm but she was seething, she was in a bad enough mood as it was.
"It's just some friendly constructive criticism Eden, no need to take it so personally." She laughed obnoxiously causing Lockie's eyes to bulge, he knew not to make Eden angry when she was already annoyed.
"Look Hailey, you are a visitor in my brother's restaurant and you're sat with me and my friends, if you can't keep your shitty opinions to yourself go and announce them some place else." Eden snapped, her jaw tensing as her anger bubbled.
"I think I have as much right here as anywhere else hunny, I'm Cole's date and he owns this place too." She said smirking.
Everybody at their table had now stopped eating and were watching on nervously, even Cole looked uncomfortable.
"Yeah and he's just as a big a jerk as you are, now feel free to be on your way, the rest of us would like to enjoy our meals without you gawping at us." She spat, Hailey's jaw dropped dramatically as she turned to face Cole.
"Are you going to let her speak to me like that babe?" She asked, clearly irritated that he hadn't stood up for her, he looked at her bemused.
"I think it's best if you just leave." He admitted causing her to laugh.
"Are you kidding me? It's your loss Cole you're not even that special." She snarled, getting up in his face. He just smirked as he stood up to let her out.
"Right back at you babe." He said winking at her, she shook her head and huffed turning her nose up at him before turning on her heel and heading out of the restaurant, swaying her hips.
Cole sat back down in the booth, a thick silence floating around them as Eden continued to eat her food.
"Only came here for nachos, not drama," Frankie said sighing. "You should apologise." She said, looking in Cole's direction.
"For what? I can't control what comes out of my dates mouth." He stood up for himself, Eden laughed.
"You're unbelievable, you sat here and let someone you've seen maybe twice insult one of your friends that you've known for more than ten years? No wonder you can't find a long term girlfriend your priorities are fucked up." Eden fired at him, now fuming after her rude encounter. Cole raised his eyebrows and shook his head.
"Yeah that was a pretty dickish thing to do Cole." Anna stated adding more fuel to the fire.
"I'm not being funny Eden but you haven't exactly been my biggest fan lately so why would I have your back when you wouldn't have mine?" He shot back at her, Eden threw her fork down onto the table causing people around them to stare.
"Unlike you Cole, I stay loyal to my friends no matter what," She spat loudly pushing her plate away from her "I'm going to wait in the car." She mumbled grabbing the keys and leaving before anyone could convince her to stay.
She could feel everyone's eyes on her as she left the restaurant, hopping into the front passenger seat.
She let out a loud, strangled sound throwing the keys agressively into the seat next to her. She took a deep breath and ran her hands through her hair, this week had been awful. Just a few days ago her life seemed so perfect, the biggest problem she had was whether or not she could avoid Cole that day.
But now she was jobless and she was arguing with people constantly and that just wasn't her. She slid down into her seat and let out a sigh.
"This sucks." She muttered to herself looking out of the window up to the darkening sky, some stars already twinkling here and there.
Everything seemed so peaceful when she was alone, relaxing almost. But then reality hit her smack bang in the face all over again.
She heard muffled voices followed by Anna, Frankie and Cole lumbering into the back seats of the car, Eden rolled her eyes, she was hoping that Cole wouldn't have been joining them.
"We're all going to head back to yours for final prep for tomorrow, is that okay?" Lockie asked softly, placing a reassuring hand on her shoulder.
Eden nodded slowly, leaning forward to turn the radio on so the ride back wasn't an awkward silence.
She tapped her fingers along to the beat whilst scanning the streets in front of her.
"It seems more quiet than usual." She spoke, wondering if there was a reason.
"I like it, it's calm enough for you to hear your own thoughts."
"Sometimes that isn't a good thing." She joked putting on her best 'I'm fine' smile.
Eden loved her brother with all her heart but when she was in a bad mood she preffered to be alone rather than having Lockie fuss over her and ask how she was every thirty seconds, so she'd mastered the fake smile hoping it'd stop Lockie from smothering her, and it worked.
"I never did get to drink my cocktail." Eden pointed out, crossing her arms and frowning.
"We've got all the ingredients to make one, Cole will make it to make up for being a dick." Anna stated, nudging him in the ribs "won't you?"
"I'll make you as many as you like Eden." Cole offered, she couldn't help but smile gently.
"I should think so."
The rest of the short ride home was quiet and they headed up to the girl's roof terrace.
"Shall we light the fire pit?" Anna asked already picking up the box of matches underneath the fire pit.
"Go for it, tonight is the last night before we go into business together. The future is looking bright!" Cole said whilst clapping his hands together, Eden let out a deep breath trying to ignore the wave of sadness that attempted to drown her, she just kept telling herself it was for the best.
"I'd make a toast but I don't have a drink." Eden hinted, Anna threw a match into the pit and watched as it crackled and glowed to life. Maybe tonight wouldn't turn out so bad after all.
"Oh yeah I'll make your sex on the beach a reality." Cole muttered as he walked past her, she assumed he was just trying to lighten the mood with humor after their argument but she was still pretty riled up.
"Are you going to give me a hand or what?" Cole shouted after her, she glared at him harshly catching up with him quickly.
"What's the point of you making it for me if I have to be there when you do it?" She groaned, entering her kitchen and planting herself on the worktop.
"Well I was going to apologise like a normal person would but then something occurred to me..." He began getting the ingredients for the cocktail out of the fridge. "Why on earth would you turn down an opportunity to do what you love with your best friends whilst getting paid for it?"
"I don't wanna listen to this again." She warned hopping off of the counter ready to go back outside but Cole rushed over and placed one of his arms either side of her, trapping her between him and the kitchen counter.
"Oh I insist you hear me out love," He drawled, his accent somehow making everything he said sound more delicious.
She couldn't focus on what he was saying when he was so close to her, she could feel his warm breath on her face and she was sure he could hear her rapid heartbeat.
"I think the reason you don't want to take the job," He paused leaning closer so that she was forced to look him in the eye, he ran his tongue over his dark pink lips wetting them, she swallowed hard "is because you fancy the fuck out of me." He finished smirking at her.
Her eyes widened and she could feel her palms becoming clammy, a wave of heat washed over her face and she could feel herself blushing furiously.
Eden shook her head violently, laughing in Cole's face.
"That is absolutely not true, why would I have a crush on you?! You're arrogant, you're rude and if your ego is bigger than everyone else's I know put together!" She fought back, hoping he'd drop it and tell her he was just kidding.
"Mmm, and that's what drives you crazy about me doesn't it...You're worried if you take the job you won't be able to control yourself around me." He stated matter of factly.
Her jaw dropped at what she was hearing, she'd well and truly been busted.
"I'll take the job," She blurted not even thinking, he backed away a little shocked at how easily she changed her mind "You think I have a crush on you, this proves I don't." She informed him smiling proudly but he wasn't even phased.
"I think it proves the exact opposite." He rasped, looking her up and down before releasing her from his trap.
"What are you talking about yes it does! You said I wouldn't work with you because I had a crush on you so when I agree to work with you that means I don't!" She repeated, frowning as she followed his every move whilst he continued making the cocktails calmly.
"Why so defensive Eden?" He asked smugly, she let out a distressed groan.
"I don't have a crush on you Cole, accept it." She spoke firmly rushing back outside before she slipped up and said something she shouldn't, leaving Cole's laughter behind her.
To complicate things even more she'd just accepted his job offer, at least the week couldn't possibly get any worse...

(Hello! I really hope you are all enjoying the story so far, I'd really appreciate any feedback in the comments! Also don't forget to vote. Thanks for reading x)

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