Chapter 4

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The text...
B-hey annie..
B-stop ignoring me
A-what do you need
B-well i just wanted to say it was good seeing you today. you looked pretty..
A-are u kidding me?! you have a girlfriend which number one you broke up with and number two knew that i liked you, but yet you go and make out with her right before my eyes. And yet you have the guts to call me pretty?!
B-you like me!!! ???Annie listen the only reason i got together with Carly is that i thought you didn't like me. But i like you so...
A-no Brennan. just don't talk to me EVER again.

She liked me. She actually liked me. But then i had to come along and screw EVERYTHING up. idk what my problem is. Maybe i should try talking to her? I should probably get some sleep. I would talk to Katie, but she's kinda really mad and giving me the silent treatment.

I'm just done with Brennan. I will forever and always have feelings for him, but i'm just done. I can't let boys get ahead of me. This was my vacation to come and relax. So that's what i'm going to do! It's time that i get some sleep though.
The next daY
Me and Katie are heading to Starbucks. Katie forgot her phone in the room so i just sat at a table waiting for her. Then Brennan comes along😒.
B-annie please let me talk
A-no go away
B-no i'm not leaving you
A-fine then i will.
And i get up and leave. I quickly text Katie change of plans, coming up to the room. She's up there looking at her phone smiling.
A-Katie....... who's the boy?!
We both can tell when we like boys.... it's a bestfriend instinct.
K-his names Jacob.
A-Katie, remember that boys get ahead of themselves so be careful!
K-can i go to the pool with him today... i promise i will be back by our spa and dinner plans!
A-go ahead love bird😂
K-thank you so much annie love you!
That's the last thing she said before walking out the door. So i thought i would make myself useful by going to the gym.

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