From Bad to Worse

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Shikamaru POV

I wasn't able to sleep much last night because I couldn't stop trying to figure out a way to make sure Ino wouldn't be angry at me anymore. "Are you alright Shikamaru? I know it's been a while since your last mission, but I don't think you need me to remind you to focus on the mission." Troublesome. Genma noticed I was spacing out. I wonder if the rest of the group noticed too. "I'm fine Genma and I know."

Back in Konoha
Ino's POV

"Auntie Yoshino. I'm off to work. If you need anything you know where to find me." "Alright Ino. Don't have too much fun torturing those poor souls. *chuckle*" On my way to T&I I couldn't stop thinking about how I acted yesterday night. I acted like a married woman questioning her husband for being late. I was so wrapped up in my thoughts that I didn't notice Ibiki and bumped into him. "Yamanaka. Your head better be back on earth and out of the clouds before we start work." I could feel my face burning up and knew I was blushing. Fabulous. Not only did I bump into my boss, but now I blush too. "Of course sir." I hope he thought the blushing was because I failed at being aware of my surroundings and not because he mentioned getting my head out of the clouds. I hope you come return to Konoha safe Shika.

Hours later

Anko had returned from a mission early and it seemed like it didn't go the way she wanted because she was determined to make the life of everyone in the division a living hell. Because of these circumstances, everyone in the division got what was left of today and tomorrow off. One of the other interrogators invited me to a drink, and there was no way Ino Yamanaka would let a chance to get a drink with a hottie slip by.

"So Ino. How do you like the division so far?" Gosh. He has such beautiful brown eyes, dark brown hair that seemes almost black, and a body that was designed by a goddess. "Oh. Ummm. It's been ok. Tell me something though. Is Anko always that psychotic?" He almost spit his drink on me and proceeded to burst into a full fit of laughter, snorts included. I just stared at him with a stern expression, almost ready to yell at him for his outburst. "Oh. You're serious." Damn. I knew he was too good to be true. If only he wouldn't have taken my question as a joke I would have considered him as potential husband material. Why was it that every new guy I met considered me a comedian? "She's usually only extra psychotic when her mission doesn't go as planned." Maybe Dad was right and I should just chose either Shika or Cho. I seem to be feeling something different for Shika that isn't only annoyance and Cho has always been nice and caring. "Thanks for the drink, but I need to head home now." I wonder if either one of them would even consider me. "Why though? You don't have any family waiting for you." I fisted my hands in an effort to control my anger, but I broke after a second of trying and turned around while enhancing my fist with chakra. Sure I wasn't as good as Sakura, but I was going to make him regret mentioning my family. I wasn't able to land a punch on him because Chouji's enlarged fist and Sakura's chakra enhanced fist had landed on him and driven him through the wall of the establishment and to the other side of the street. "He's not worth your tears Ino. He's a jerk." "I'm not crying because of him Sakura!" "Let's go to Aunt Yoshino's. She must be waiting for you." I only nodded and let Chouji guide me.

When things go from troublesome to unacceptable (Shikaino)Where stories live. Discover now