Let me sleep in

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Both Ino and Shikamaru woke up terrified, looking for the reason for Yoshino's scream. "What happened?!" -both Ino and Shikamaru asked simultaneously. "That's exactly what I would like to know." Suddenly, both parties noticed that that there was someone else in the bed that they thought only they were occupying. "What are you doing here Shikamaru?!" Ino's eyes trailed down his face to where the blankets pooled at and she noticed a very important detail. "And where's your clothes?!"
"Troublesome. You two can't even let me sleep in after my mission."

Ino pushed Shikamaru off the bed and moved next to Yoshino.

"Troublesome. When'd you get into my bed Ino?" "Oh hell no Shikamaru Nara! Don't you try to blame this on me! I fell asleep alone on the bed yesterday night and wake up with you on it! You were the one that snuck into the bed!" While Ino was ranting in her own world Shikamaru kept running his eyes up and down Ino's barely dressed form. This did not go unnoticed by Yoshino.

Shika POV
"I raised you to be better than to openly gawk at women Shikamaru. So quit being a pervert." (* thanks for telling on me mother) "Troublesome" Ino's face lit up with a blush and she looked away from me at the door. "I should get ready for work." Ino calmly walked out of my room. Her blush was still noticeable but it wasn't as prominent as before. "Wipe off your mouth. You're drooling. You truly are your father's son, boy." I used the back of my hand to wipe my mouth and noticed there wasn't any drool so I turned to glare at my mother. "You know. She met a cute guy at work." She decided that he didn't need to know that he also made her cry. She wanted grandchildren before she died and Shikamaru wasn't going to go after Ino unless he had some competition, even though it was obvious that he loved Ino. Yoshino then walked out of Shikamaru's room, after Ino. "Maybe I can finally go back to sleeping." Yoshino returned into Shikamaru's room a few minutes later with a flaring temper. Before Shikamaru could close his eyes, Yoshino reached down to the floor where Shikamaru was at and made him stand by dragging him up by the ear. "Ow. Ow. Ow" "Do you mind telling me what funny business was going on in here, Shikamaru?" "Troublesome. I don't know. I came back when you guys were asleep and I woke up to your screams." "Fine. I'll accept that explanation for now. But we're going to discuss this at the breakfast table before Ino leaves to work. I wouldn't want her to be unfocused because of this." Yoshino then walked out and to the kitchen.

"Shikamaru. Get down here before breakfast gets colder than it already is."

"Listen Ino. Clearly I was tired and I didn't notice you on the bed. I'm sorry." Ino was flabbergasted. She had only seen Shikamaru apologize a number of times. She knew his pride tended to get in the way, so he must truly be sorry for what happened if he was willing to apologize. Still she couldn't help and take advantage of the situation. "Sorry for what?" "I'm sorry for implying that it was your fault and I'm sorry that I yelled at you." Ino lit up with a bright smile that looked suspiciously like it was bordering a smirk. "Apology accepted. Now I gotta get to work or Ibiki will feed me to Anko."

"I wasn't expecting you to apologize so quickly, Shikamaru." "It would have been troublesome if I didn't. And I did say some things that I didn't mean and I knew she would never do." "The poor thing didn't eat that much, she's going to be starving at lunch. Maybe that cute boy she told me about will take her out to eat rather than for a drink." Shikamaru stiffened at what his mother had said and decided that he should take her out for lunch since it was partially his fault that she didn't get to eat all of her breakfast. "I'm going to check if anyone from my team is in the hospital and tell them to report to the hokage." "Should I wait here so we can have lunch together? Or are you eating on your own?" Shikamaru rubbed the back of his neck and looked at the ceiling, trying to avoid his mother's awaiting and somehow knowing gaze. "I was actually going to ask Ino if she wanted to grab lunch with me." Yoshino walked up to Shikamaru and started pushing him towards the door. "Make sure you get her some flowers so she doesn't say 'no.'" Yoshino then threw Shikamaru's sandals outside and slammed the door behind him. "Flowers?" He sat on the entrance of his house and put on his sandals and was soon on his way to the hospital, where he decided he could buy flowers for Ino.

When things go from troublesome to unacceptable (Shikaino)Where stories live. Discover now