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^ Lily :)
Note: This story will be set AFTER The Cursed Child, although Lily was supposed to be in her first year throughout it. We'll just have to be in the mindset that everything in TCC happened the previous year. Don't forget to vote and comment!
Lily Luna Potter rubbed her eyes and rose from her bed. Excitement fluttered in her chest as she remembered the significance of today; her very first day at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

As the youngest of the three famous Potter children, Lily was the last and likely the most excited to go to Hogwarts. Her older brothers has spent years sharing captivating stories of well-executed pranks and run-ins with various magical creatures. Now, finally, it was Lily's turn.

She took a deep breath as she scanned the rosy horizon from her bedroom window, before striding to the mirror upon her dresser. She brushed her red hair out until it was straight and smooth, pulling back a piece near the front and securing it with a pin. She brushed her teeth in the bathroom, staring at her reflection. She did in fact look much like her mother, though she got her emerald green eye color from her father and paternal grandmother.

Lily quickly dressed in Muggle attire: a simple, boxy dress of palest blue. Then she scurried downstairs after scooping up her grey tabby kitten, Fish, into her arms. Lily had found little Fish in Diagon Alley several days ago, along with the required textbooks and tools.

She found her father in the kitchen hurrying to cook and serve breakfast, sending a place of bacon soaring into the dining room with just a flick of his wand. He did most of the cooking, mostly just because his wife couldn't cook without almost burning the house down. "Morning, Dad!", Lily said, grinning. Harry turned around to smile at his young daughter. "Good morning, Lily. Sit and eat, we'd better get going soon."

Lily ducked a plate of toast and sat down in an empty chair at the table. Ginny, James, their cousin Fred Jr., Albus, and his friend Scorpius sat together at the extra large mahogany table. Draco had relented this time and accepted Ginny's offer to let Scorpius stay for the remainder of the summer. Scorpius and Albus were having an animated discussion about muggle televisions, while James and Fred had an argument over a girl with their mouths stuffed full of breakfast foods. Lily couldn't help but smile as she helped herself to some scrambled eggs. She had spent years dreaming of the day when she too could have a chat with Nearly Headless Nick, and stroll the Hogwarts grounds herself. Lily had only seen pictures of the enormous stone walls of the castle, and could not be any more ready to go.

"Big day Lil! You know, on my first day, I met my best friends on the train, on the very first day. We were quite the troublesome trio, I'll tell you that." Harry said as he walked in, with a lock of his unkempt hair falling over the scar on his forehead. Lily laughed. "You, Uncle Ron, and Aunt Hermione? I can't imagine you three getting up to trouble with Professor McGonagall!" She giggled. "Oh, we broke loads of rules, in our first year alone! But don't get any ideas. We barely got away with it." Harry warned his daughter. "Because you saved the world!" Lily exclaimed. Harry's modesty made him fall silent and start to eat.

When the large group was finished with breakfast, they loaded up their borrowed Muggle car, that they had expanded magically, and drove off from home to King's Cross Station. The Potters lived in Number 12, Grimmauld Place, where Harry's godfather Sirius used to live. They often visited Bill and Fleur at their cottage on the sea. The Potters also often found themselves at the Burrow, which Ron and Hermione had decided to stay in. There they lived happily with their children, Rose and Hugo, spending almost every other week with the Potters. Rose was in Albus' year, and Hugo in Lily's. And coincidentally, Hugo's was the first face Lily saw as she walked into King's Cross Station.

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