;15 Smile

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This was the first time you had been out of your house in two weeks. You sat on the park bench and watched the California sun set behind the large pond. The last warmth of the sun graced your sky, something you hadn't felt in a while because you had been spending your nights sobbing, that hole in your chest grew wider. The pain grew sharper, you didn't speak to anyone anymore, you wanted to be alone. You couldn't smile anymore because the person you loved the most was gone, left you for unclear reasons. They left you hurt and confused, they left you broken. Your heart destroyed by the one you loved most,

As you felt a tear roll down your face, you didn't react to it. You just sat on the bench staring blankly at the pond as tears streamed down your face.

"CHICAA STOP RUNNING!!!" You heard a man screech, you broke out of your trance and looked to see a golden retriever with its tongue hanging out, its leash flapping behind it and its owner running spuratically behind it. The dog and the man both were coming towards you... you assumed they would just pass you but when the dog stopped in front of you. It came up wagging its tail and nudged your leg. You held out your hand, the dog sniffed it a second then began licking it. Its tail was going nuts, you smiled a little something you hadn't done in a while. You continued petting the dog when you heard the heavy footsteps of someone come up and stop.

You looked up to see a green tank top with a dinosaur on it and athletic shorts. He had faded red hair with most of his hair now brunette. He had some stubble and warm chocolate brown eyes, he was muscular as his shirt was almost to small for him. He put his hands on his hips to try and catch his breath, it showed the defined outline of his biceps. He was very attractive you had to say.

Breathing heavily he said gasping,

"C...can I...Yah know.." He said motion to the empty spot next to you. You quickly nodded your head and he immedietly sat down. The dog shifted her attention from you to her owner, she wagged her tail and licked his leg a bit.

"You...You are a troublemaker, Miss Chica." The man said partially getting his breathe back. He then looked at you and smiled,

"I'm sorry, I had stop to tie my shoe and she got free yada yada you know the typical cliché" He said laughing. He had a deep baritone voice and booming laughter. You smiled back at him and chuckled,

"It's alright, she's cute and she made me smile. Which I haven't done in quite some time." You said looking back at the pond. You felt Chica put your hand on her head, so you began to pet her.

"Oh, well I'm glad that out of the mischief she made some good came out of it... do you mind if I ask why you haven't smiled in a while?" He asked questioningly. You took a deep breath, it would hurt if you told a stranger,

"Um I went through a rough break up, and essentially my heart was destroyed by the one I loved the most. I've just been depressed and in my pain, it feels like my hearts been ripped out." You said still looking out over the pond, the sun now hidden behind it but there was still some light left.

"Oh I'm so sorry, well you know they say pain is only a temporary measure." He responded quietly.

"I like that saying." You said smiling a little.

"Well thanks I came up with it." The man boasted pretending to act cocky. You laughed a little and grinned at him.

"Thank for making me smile...umm?"

"Oh! You don't know my name! Sorry, I'm Mark. Mark Fischbach." Mark said extending his hand out to you,

"Thank Mark, I'm (Y/N) (Y/L/N)." You took his hand as you both shook hands you thought,

Maybe you could smile again.








Hey, hey hey. Thank you guys for all the sweet comments it really helps out a lot. I'm sorry this is so short but I wanted to update and sort vent my emotions I guess idk.. but thank you all so much for all the reads, comments and votes it truly means a lot to me.

Also anyone playing Mystic Messenger cause girl, you besta believe I am. Zen and Jumin are my babies. What are you guys routes?


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Well anyway thank you all so much and I will see you all in the next chapter!!

*side note* leave some suggestions for a new book cover I wanna change it.

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