;17 Surprise!

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"Hey everybody! It's Matthias, today I have Amanda with me and..."

You and Mark both popped into frame. You waved and smiled at the camera as you sat down next to Amanda with Mark on the other side.

"Markiplier and his lovely wife (Y/N)!" Matthias commented.

"Hello everybody!" Mark said happily waving, his bright red hair bouncing.

"What's up!" You exclaimed giggling.

"Today we are doing the couples challenge! Basically it's like which couple knows each other best. Me and Mark would ask Amanda and (Y/N) questions about ourselves and vice versa. If your partner gets it right then your team gets a point!" Matthias explained he then whipped around to look at You and Mark.

"Me and Amanda are going to destroy you." He said in a low serious tone, "because we love each other so much!" He exclaimed in his regular high pitched voice as he wrapped his arms around Amanda.

"ehh I don't know about that." Amanda retorted sarcastically. Matthias drew back and gave her a shocked look. Then you all burst out laughing,

"Mark and I will not take trash talk and will own you. Right honey?" You said wriggling your eyebrows at Matthias and Amanda.

"Heck yeah! Ain't no body gonna mess with the Fischbachs! We are relationship goals!" Mark yelled hugging you. Amanda gave you both a quick smile,

"Alright, alright. Let's start, this is for (y/n) and Amanda to answer. What is our favorite anime? it can also be a movie." Matthias said not two seconds later you screeched,

"FULLMETAL ALCHEMIST!" Amanda was still thinking, Matthias sighed and looked at Mark.

"Is that correct?" He asked.

"Yes it is!" Mark replied and then burst out in his deep baritone laughter. You smiled as you watched your husband laugh, you were so lucky. You both met at a convention and the rest was history from there. Life was great with Mark, you couldn't have asked for more. You then glanced down at your stomach, well you got a little more than you had expected. You smiled as you looked at Amanda who winked at you.

Then the game continued on, You asked your question then Mark asked his. It seemed that both couples knew each other pretty well but You and Mark were in the lead by one point. Then came your very last turn, the moment you had been waiting for all day.

"What is one secret nobody knows about me?" You asked. You saw the wheels turning in both of the boys heads. You tapped your foot as you became anxious hardly able to contain it. Then Mark blurted out,

"You actually enjoy exercise!" Mark exclaimed his chocolate eyes shining, you shook your head no biting your lip. You just had to wait a little longer,

"You actually enjoy Bryan as a brother!" Matthias yelped. Amanda laughed as she just nodded her head. Matthias clapped and screamed in a high pitch voice,

"Wait, (Y/N) what was your secret? I could have sworn that was it." Mark said dropping off at the end as he got lost in thought. You then looked at Amanda then directly into the camera and said,

"Well my secret that nobody knows except for Amanda is that...I'm Pregnant!" You yelled. You heard Mark's jaw hit the floor and he jumped up out of his chair.

"Are you serious?!" He screamed.

"Yes." You said giggling. Mark nearly tripped over a chair as he hugged you causing Matthias to laugh in his squeaky voice. Mark then placed his lips on yours, you'd never get tired of your husbands lips. Their softness and warmth, they were part of home. Mark was your home. You smiled in the kiss then pulled away, you two would have more fun later.

"Congratulations, to you both!" Matthias exclaimed. Amanda then gave you a tight hug, you then looked back at Mark. He sat at the edge of his chair, staring at the wall with his mouth hung wide open. You nudged him but no response came from him,

"I think you broke him, (Y/N)." Matthias said letting out a chuckle and Amanda did too.

"Babe?" You asked looking at Mark. Then you saw it, a little tear trickle down his cheek. You looked at Amanda, who smiled then Matthias quickly did an outro, then they both got up and turned off the camera then left.

"Babe, why are you crying? I'm not dying." You giggled as you wiped the tear from his face.

"I just... me as a father. I never thought this would happen. I'm in shock but I'm just so happy!" He said softly. He looked at you and more tears trickled down his face, seeing Mark like this made you tear up a bit too. You then wrapped your arms around Mark, pulling him in close.

"You'll be a wonderful father." You whispered in his ear and kissing his cheek.

"And you a wonderful mother." He whispered back then gently placed his large, warm hand on your stomach. You both sat in the room in silence, both overfilled with joy. You even still trying to comprehend that you had a human growing inside of you.

"Oh god." Mark said eyes widening.

"What?" You said worried.

"We have to baby proof the house and make sure chica doesn't eat our child and you've got to be extra careful now." Mark continued to rant on you just shook your head smiling to yourself. You and Mark were going to be great parents.

~* Epilogue*~

"Hey, Mark!" You called from the kitchen as you opened up the document and as you read the papers you gasped.

"Yeah, is everything okay?" Mark responded from the other room.

"I don't just one baby, I have two!" You exclaimed shocked.

"WHAT?!" Mark yelled clearly confused and unable to hear what you said.










Well I hope you guys enjoyed this! Sorry it's a bit rushed but thank you all for the requests and Ideas. This is actually an request from GirlySans5555 I really liked so ta da! I hope this is what you were thinking of!

Well anyway I hope you all have a wonderful day/night and I'll see you in the next chapter!

Also side note, the real reason I haven't been updating a lot is mostly because I've been dealing with a lot of mental issues and it's been a little hard. But I'm a lot happier and a lot better and i love reading all of your comments! It helps me know people like my writing and that i can keep going!

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