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I was shocked for a second, then I responded. I kissed back. It was short, but it was exactly what I needed.

We then heard Stark say,"Romanoff, you and Banner better not be playing hide the zucchini."

"Relax shellhead," She replied,"not all of us can fly."

She then walked in and said,"What's the drill?"

"This is the drill. I'd Ultron gets a hand on the core, we lose."

Hulk then came in, smashing robots on the way, and  walked into our little circle.

"Is that the best you can do?" Thor yelled.

Ultron held up a hand, and hundreds of robots ran up behind him.

"You had to ask." Steve said.

"This, is the best I can do. This is exactly what I wanted. All of you, against all of me. How can you possibly defeat me." Ultron said.

"Like the old man said," Tony looked at Cap,"together."

Hulk roared.

Then the robots advanced.

We were fighting and kicking and punching and speeding (Pietro) and I was shooting poison spikes to wound them before punching them and breaking them. Vision then began fighting Ultron, and he shot him with the mind stone. Then Thor and Tony joined him. Part of Ultron's face burned off, and he said,"you know, with the benefit of hindsight."

Then Hulk smashed him far away, and he roared at the other robots and they tried to leave the city.

"They're trying to leave the city." Thor stated.

"We can't let them, not even one of them." Tony responded,"Rhodey."

"Oh no. I didn't say you could leave. War machine coming at you."

"We've gotta move out. Even I can tell the air's getting pretty thin." Steve said to Natasha,"you guys get to the boats, I'll sweep for stragglers."

"I'll protect it," Wanda said,"It's my job."

She looked at Clint and he nodded at her. Clint and Natasha left. As did Cap.

"We're not leaving you here." I stated.

"I can handle myself." She said as she shot a robot with a red blast.

Pietro left, but not before saying,"you know, I'm 12 minutes older than you."

I was a little more reluctant to leave.

"You too." She said to me.

"Okay, but when this is over I get another kiss?" I asked.

She laughed,"yes! Now go!"

I nodded and left.

The Fiery Fae (Wanda Maximoff)Where stories live. Discover now