Chapter One

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Ellie's POV

I still can't believe I made it, I had graduated from high school and made it into Starlight Dance Academy. It's been my dream since I was five to go there and become a professional dancer.

I remember when I got my letter in the mail. I was so excited to open it, but also terrified that I wouldn't get in because I wasn't good enough. But soon my fears faded away when I saw that I was accepted. I started screaming and jumping around, acting like a crazy person.

My mom and dad were so excited for me.
Mom started jumping up and down with me and my dad just stood there laughing at us. They were always so supportive of my dancing career, always coming to every recital.

I started remembering the day I left my home in Littleton, Colorado. My mom had tears in her eyes and my dad was smiling at me, holding back tears with his arm around my mother as I got ready to get on a plane to New York City.

"Sweetie, please call us when you land and get to your apartment safely." My mom said.

"I will mom I promise."

"Do you have everything you need?" My dad asked.

"Yes daddy I have everything I'll need."

He smiled at me with tears in his eyes, and reached out for a hug. I threw my arms around my daddy's neck as tears running down my cheeks.

"I love you daddy."

"I love you too princess."

I let go, turning to my mom as I  gave her a hug too.

"I love you mom"

"I love you too sweetheart. I'm so proud of you."

I heard my flight number being called over the loud speaker. I turned back around to look at them.

"I've got to go, but I promise to call you as soon as I get to the my new apartment."

They both nodded their heads at me.

I started to walk away but my dad called out for me. So I turned back around.

"Here." he said and handed me a white envelope.

I looked inside the envelope to find a large amount of money.

"Daddy I can't take this."

"Yes you can. It will help you for awhile until you can find a job."

I looked at the envelope in my hand one more time and then back at my dad.

"Thank you daddy I love you so much" As I gave him one last hug.

"I love you too, but you better get going now before you miss your flight."

I watch my dad walk back to my mom, he wrapped his arms around her. They both smiled at me, I waved to them then I walked away.

I ran off to where my flight was, handing over my ticket as I had headed inside to my seat. I buckled up and settled in with my earbuds to pass the time that I had on the flight to New York.


As promised, I gave my parents a phone call telling them I was safe. And that I needed to get stuff put away before it got too late. We said our 'I love yous and goodbyes.'

I smiled at my memories and continued to put stuff away.

I had just finished putting everything away when my stomach growled. Reminding me I had not yet had supper, I knew I had nothing in the apartment to eat so I decided to head to the diner that was about 3 blocks away from my apartment building. Getting my jacket, purse, keys, and cellphone I headed out into the New York City streets.

I made it to the diner and took a seat at the counter and waited to have my order taken. After getting my order taken I wait for my number to be called. My number was called about ten minutes later. I paid for my food and headed home, while I was walking I had this funny feeling someone was watching me. I stopped and looked around to see that there was no one in site. Shrugging my shoulders I continued on to my apartment. Once there I unlocked the door heading inside, putting my stuff on the table and hanging up my coat. Then I relocked the door.

After my supper was finished and things were cleaned up I decided to take a quick shower and head to bed.

Once done with my shower I brushed my long honey blonde hair out then put on my PJs, and snuggled under the blankets. My last thought was I can't wait to have my fresh start before I fell into a deep slumber.

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