Chapter Three

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Ellie's POV

It has been 3 months since I've been here and loving every minute of it.

The classes at Starlight Dance Academy were amazing, learning all types of new dances and pushing myself to the limits. I was so nervous my first day but once I started dancing everything faded away, it was just me and the music.

I had found a job at a cute little coffee shop not far from my apartment, they paid quite well for being such a small shop. I talk to my parents quite often to give them updates about my classes and how my life was going. I miss them very much but knew that I had to become independent and learn to take care of myself.

I headed out of my apartment to get to the dance academy because tonight was one of our late night practices. We were getting ready for a recital that was about three weeks away and everything needs to be perfect at least I wanted to be perfect.

I headed down the road in a hurry because I was late and I knew I would get scolded by my teacher, I finally made it to my class throwing the door open and out of breath.

"I'm so sorry I'm late I lost track of time."

My teacher Miss Angeline just looked at me with a frown on her face.

"Ellie it's wonderful you could grace us with your presence. Now would you please take your place so we can get started?"

I nodded and ran to the corner taking off my tennis shoes and socks opening my bag and putting on my ballet slippers. I then walked hurriedly to my spot, looking at Miss Angeline.

"Ok class we will start where we left off yesterday."

Miss Angeline walked over to the CD player and start the music. I got lost in the music as we went through the routine.

After going threw all the routines it was time for solos. I was so very excited because I was chosen to do a solo for this recital.

Miss Angeline said that we could go off into different rooms to continue to work on our solos and that she would be in to check on all of us one at a time.

I grab my things from the corner and walked into the last room on the left, This room I had been using since we had started doing our solos. Taking the CD out of my bag and turning to the CD player in the corner of the room, I put the CD in and pressed play.

I let the music take me.
(Ellie's Solo music)

Doing my turns and leaps putting my whole heart and soul into this dance. My heartbreak over leaving my family, friends, and the only home I have even known. Coming to the last moves in my solo by leaping into the air and spinning when I landed and pushing myself to the floor.

I took in a lung full of air just lying on the floor until I heard clapping that rippled through the whole entire room. Looking up startled to see Miss Angeline standing there with a smile on her face.

"Very good Ellie, wonderful technique such haunting and beautiful music, I think you have your routine down."

I looked at her with surprise written all over my face making her let out a little chuckle.

"Why so surprised child you you are a wonderful dancer. I told you that the first day I saw you dance. You dance with such passion you bring your heart and your soul into your dancing. You let the music guide you."

I give her a full-blown smile.

"You really think so Miss Angeline?"

"Of course I do Ellie, I am so proud to call you my student."

"Thank you Miss Angeline, I wouldn't be where I am with my dance technique if it wasn't for you."

"Oh now you stop that I just teach, you do all the moves. She says with a smile.
"I was also wondering if you would like to do a duet with one of my dancers?, His name is Eric Knight, he has been looking for a partner after his other partner came down wrong and broke her ankle would you be interested?"

Ellie looks at her with a huge smiles.

"Yes of course I would love to dance with him he's your best male student I could learn a lot from him!" she says excitedly.

Hearing Ellie would love to dance with her male star pupil dancer brings a smile to your face.

"Okay then I will let him know and I will give him your number. He will get ahold of you when he wants to get together with you and start working on the routine again."

I nods my head and gives Miss Angelique another smile. Miss Angelique smiles back.

"Well I will leave you to it." Miss Angelique waves her goodbye and leaves.

I decided that I would do my routine a couple more times before I headed home for the night. I had just gotten done with my last go through of my routine, taking off my ballet slippers and putting on my socks and tennis shoes. I put my coat on, grab my bag and headed home.

I walked up the stairs and as I was walking to my apartment I could see something laying on the floor near the door. I knew I didn't order anything so maybe it was a mistake as I got closer I realized it was not a package but a beautiful bouquet of blood red roses, I lean down and pick them up.

Who would send me flowers I thought I mean there are plenty of boys at Starlight that might have but why would they.

I unlock my door and walked inside with the bouquet in my hand. I then relocked the door setting the flowers on the counter, hanging up my coat, and dropping my bag by the door. I walk back over to the counter to look at the roses they were beautiful and the smell of them was so sweet.

As I continue to look at them I saw a creamy white envelope sticking out between two of them, pulling the envelope out, there was no writing on it so I opened it, inside was a single note card that read.

I have watched you from afar, your beauty always and will forever be burned into my mind. Wish I could gain the courage to walk up to you. I hope one day I can gain the courage and be with you forever.

Sincerely A.K.

Looked at the note card again to make sure I had read it right, I couldn't help but let my heart melt as a goofy smile spread across my face.

I wonder who this A.K. could be?

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2019 ⏰

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