Chapter Two

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Adrian's POV

I live in darkness, I can no longer feel the sun on my skin. I hate the monster I've become.

I tried to distract myself by doing anything to keep my mind off of the burning hunger in my veins. My body starts to ache from the hunger, I knew I had to go out and hunt, but I didn't want too. I tried fighting the ache in my body, as it screamed at me to get fresh blood.

My fangs slipped out thinking of fresh blood, and my hunger grew to the point where I had no control. I grabbed my black leather jacket and headed out of my home in search of my next victim. As I walked down the dirty roads of New York City I finally came across a girl on the street corner looking a little lost.

I walked closer and cleared my throat. The girl jumped and let out a little squeal, gripping her chest where her heart was. I could hear the blood pumping through her veins making the hunger in me that much stronger.

"I'm sorry to have scared you miss, but you looked a little lost and I thought I might be able to help." I gave her a kind smile showing her that I meant no harm, but the monster within me wants nothing more then to harm her.

"It's okay. " She said giving me a small smile back. "I guess I must have taken a wrong turn."

"I could help you get to where you are going, if you would like?"

The girl took a deep breath to calm herself, but her heart was still beating fast.

"Um?" She seemed very hesitant to go anywhere with me. What a very smart girl to second-guess having a stranger help her.

"Yes please, I really don't know where I am and my parents are going to be worried sick."

That made me frown this girl had a mother and father and possibly siblings that were worried sick about her right now but the monster inside me pushed all emotions away and kept pushing me for fresh blood. 'You need her blood' my inner voice spoke.

I gave a nod.

"It would be my pleasure to help you miss where are you going?"

"1325 East St."

I walked up to her side.

"Wow you really did take a wrong turn that's clear on the other side of the city. I stated. We better get walking I know a short cut threw Central Park."

We had finally made it to Central Park which was completely deserted. I walked closer to the girl, and reached out and grabbed her not being able to control my hunger anymore. The girl tried to get out of my arms but I held her tighter to me.

"What are you doing let me go!" She screamed at me.

I turned her around, showing her my fangs, she started to shake in my arms.

"P-please let m-me go, I want to go h- home!

Looking her in the eyes.

"I'm sorry miss but I can't."

I then sank my teeth into the flesh of her neck growling as I could feel the warm blood running down my throat. The girl went limp in my arms as I continue to drink from her until there was little to nothing left.

I laid her body down on the ground looking at her limp body, the guilty feeling started to grow inside my gut what have I done. This girl looked no older than 16 years old. She had a long life ahead of her until I took it from her.

"I'm so sorry."

I bent down and pick her up, she felt weightless in his arms, and I ran her home. I set her down on the door step moving hair away from her face she looked peaceful as if she were sleeping, hating what he had to do next but knew it was necessary to cover up evidence. Reaching into my jacket pocket I pulled out my knife. Looking for my fang marks on her neck, finally finding them. I put the knife against them and slid the knife across her throat, seeing the last bit of blood left in her veins spill out across her chest.

I wipe the excess blood on her clothes from my knife. I stood up putting the knife back in my pocket and knocking on the front door. I waited till I heard footsteps coming closer to the door and sped off around the corner.

I looked around the corner to see the door open and then hearing a blood curdling scream.

"Ashley!" The women screamed.

I took one last glance at the mother holding her child in her arms.

"I'm so very sorry." He whispered to the winds.

Turning around and putting my hands in my pocket and headed home.

On my way home I heard footsteps and I ran into the nearest alleyway.

I peeked out from around the corner seeing a girl with honey blonde hair walking down the street with what look like food from a diner.

I couldn't help but stare at her she was very beautiful.

All of a sudden she stopped and started looking around. I turned back into the alley hoping she hadn't seen me, I waited a couple of seconds then look back out around the corner to see that she was walking again.

Who is this beautiful creature? I asked myself. I never felt this way before. I decided to follow her, I watched her go inside a building. Which was probably her apartment building.

I don't know who you are but I will find out. I said to the window where her shadow was.

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