Chapter 5

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Jacob's POV

I wake to the sound of Maryn crying. It's 2am. I groan and get up. I try to quiet her but she just keeps crying. I decide to change her diaper. She has a rash. I sigh. y/n opens the door.

"I heard Maryn crying, I thought you could use some help," she says.

"Sorry for waking you, she has a diaper rash," I say.

"No it's fine, I'll be right back," she says. When she comes back she has some cream to treat the rash. I apply it and put Maryn back in her diaper. She settles down and goes back to sleep.

"Thanks for helping her," I say.

"No prob I've been up on my phone all night, I can't sleep," she says, "mind if I sleep with you?" Im a little shocked by the question.

"Um, sure," I say. We get in bed. y/n falls asleep right away. I can't sleep though. I look over at y/n and smile. She's just so perfect! I finally doze off.

The next morning

I wake up and notice that y/n is gone. Kailey and Maryn are still sound asleep. It's 8am. I decide to play on phone. After 30 minutes I get up and head downstairs. y/n is on the couch with a cup of hot coco and watching TV.

"Good morning!" I say.

"Hey, sorry for leaving you, my dad would kill me if he knew we slept together," She says.

"Yea, I understand," I say. I wonder what my moms doing I really need to call her. So I do.


"Hey Mom. where are you," I ask.

"Noooo clueeeee," she says. I groan.


"Jacob stfu I'm a grown ass woman!" She says back.

"When is this gonna end?" I sigh.

"Not now," she says.

"Whatever," i hang up the phone.


I hear Jacob talking to his mom. It sounds like he's on the verge of tears. I get up and walk over to him.

"WHATEVER I DON'T CARE YYOU'LL NEVER CARE!" He yells as he hangs up. I wrap my arms around him and he cries.

"She's out of control," he sobs. I pat his back. Kailey walks in.

"Jacwob, what's wrong?" she ask as she hugs his leg. Jacob bends down and puts a smile on his face.

"Nothing, me and mommy just had a disagreement," Jacob says.

"Where is momwy?" Kailey ask. Jacob sighs.

"She's in her own world," he says. Kailey looks confused for a minute then shrugs.

"Where's bweakfast?" Kailey ask. I warm up some French toast sticks. I put them on a plate then hand them to Kailey.

Today I'm taking Jacob and the girls on a shopping spree. We decide to shop for the girls first. We head to the baby section of Belk.

"Aww jake look at this!" I say holding up a dress that has a white top and a pink and poofy bottom.

"Lets get it," he says. We get the girls 5 outfits each. Next we shop for Jacob. He gets 2 pairs of vans, black skinny jeans, a Nirvana sweatshirt and a couple other tshirts for bands that he likes. We get cinnamon buns and sit in the food court.

"Thank wou y/n for da cwodes (clothes)," Kailey says.

"Your welcome Kailey you're gonna look adorable in them," I say. I see Jacob breaking pieces of a cinnamon bun and giving them to Maryn. He's so good with little kids. Its cute. Laugh as Maryn spits the piece out her mouth at Jacob. He glares at me jokingly.

"Love ya Jacob," I say still laughing as I kiss his cheek. Wait...I realize what I just did. Omg we aren't even dating why would I- UGH! I blush.

"Sorry," I say. I look down and finish my cinnamon bun in silence. I feel Jacob grab my head and kiss me on the lips this time.

"EWWWWWW!" Kailey says. Me and Jacob start laughing.

We finally get home. I turn on Dora for Kailey to watch and Maryn takes a nap. Me and Jacob go upstairs and put up the clothes.

Jacob wraps his arms around my waist and whispers, "I love you,"

I smile. He's just so cute.

"I wish I could live in this moment forever," Jacob says.

"Why when there's so much more to come," I turn around and kiss him.

He kisses my neck.

"Stop," I tease. He stops.

"Why?" he ask.

"Well Maryn is right over there," I say. He pouts a little then says.

"Ok but next time, you can't stop me," he says. I laugh.

"Boy you funny," I say.


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