Watched Chapter 4

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As we ran out the door he had his arm tight around my arm pretty much pulling me out the door as we went out the door I al most stepped on a cold dead police officer I was so scared of will they accuse me or am I in the clear.

"What did you do to them?” I asked

"Shut up and move,” he said in a rush

Come on get in th1e car we are leaving"

"Get in” he yelled

I think I seen some little girl in the house across the road I tried to show her that I was frighted she then walked away my only hope of escaping was gone.

It felt like an hour until we got to the place I think it was were he was going to hide me from the police but I herd him on his phone once or twice saying to some other man

"Meet me at the check point"

I thought life is bad enough with not having my dad here and not being with my family and getting kidnapped by this mad man. I thought to my self quite to quite as soon as I got out there were lots of people holding guns in a dark room with a metal table in the middle of the room I had no idea what was happening. Then I looked around me and I seen blood on the floor and almost on every wall but I noticed a little hole on the corner of the room.Also I remember I had my phone in my pocket.

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