Watched Chapter 7

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As I was hanging on by that one hook I tried to get out but he kept holding on to my leg and pulling me closer to him I kept kicking him and tried to get away but he kept holding on to me.

Then about 5 minutes later the police came and they got the ladder for me to climb on and I climbed off the cliff but he followed me every step that I took finally I got off that deadly cliff but so did he.

I ran into the polices arms and they put me in the back of the open boot with a blanket and a cup of hot chocolate. That was my worry’s all gone I thought then I seen my mum run to me.

"Mum" I yelled in happiness

"Emma it’s so good to see you"

Then the next thing I noticed the police were more focused on us than the guy who held me captive was running towards my mum

"No Mum run"

It was to late that mad man had mum in his arms holding his arm across his neck.

Then they next thing you know he pulls out a gun and points it at mum

I ran to mum as fast as I could but he didn’t want to kill me so he shot me in the leg I was on the floor crying because I thought mum was going to die she was all I had left.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2013 ⏰

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