it goes down

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After talking to Luna about everything I wanted to know more.I was intrigued by this new development. After school I went to the library and they had nothing. So I  tried the public library.
May I help you?" The lady asked
Um I'm looking for books on Magick or witches or um..anything like that.
Let me check. Do you know any authors?
I looked at her and sighed and she smiled softly.
Good news.check aisle three for Scott Cunningham.
My face lit up as I found the book. On the way home I read some of it and even more in bed at home. "Beep" I looked up to see a incoming skype call. I clicked accept. "Hey there Luna" I greeted.
"Merry meet James.any news?" She greeted back .
"No not a Scot Cunningham book that's all." Her face changed immediately.
"Thats great.he is the top writer on Wicca and herbs and stuff.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2016 ⏰

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