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When Louis next gets home his hand is in a cast and he is absolutely exhausted. Niall can't help but laugh at Louis.
"Most people are ecstatic about meeting their soulmate. Why aren't you?"
"I can't remember who it is. I don't if its them I slept with or not. I can't remember anything from last night."

"Well their name could be Harry or Henry. Or Hunky. Harriet, Henrietta. Harley?Do you think they'll be fit?" Niall asks.
"Supposedly you find your soulmate attractive no matter what they look like because they're your soulmate. But yes I hope they are," Louis nods.
"There's nothing wrong with wanting good looking people, Louis."


"Have you text him?" Zayn asks. Harry has been putting off texting Niall, so nervous yet excited. And he won't shut up about wanting to find Louis. It's been nearly a week and university starts in a couple of days.
"No, not yet. I don't know what to say. Help me, Z. You're great with stuff like this," Harry sighs. Zayn rolls his eyes.
"You've had sex with him, I'm sure you can manage a text message."
"Fuck off."

They are walking to the shop to get some more food for the house. The majority of the people they live with don't even stay there much besides using it as a place to crash when they have parties.

"Listen," Zayn says as they push the trolley along the aisle. "We'll have another party and I'll make sure Niall and Louis come."
"You're the best," Harry grins.

Zayn texts Niall when he's home, telling him that he and Louis should come to the party tonight.


Niall hums as he picks up his phone.

From unknown number:
Hi, you should come to the party tonight, same house as the other night. Bring your friend.

To Unknown:
Who's this?

From unknown: I'm the friend of Louis' soulmate. Fancy setting them up?

To Unknown:
Yes. Let me just convince Louis to come. 

"Who's that?" Louis asks and peers over Niall's couch.
"Uhm someone who live in the house we went to the other night. They're having another party and they want us to come again."
"C'mon, Lou, you haven't gone out all week," Niall complains.
"Because no ones going to have fun with someone who has their soulmate. And I'm not going back there. What if my soulmates there?"
"How would that be a bad thing?" Niall asks. "You go, you have fun. You find your soulmate? Even better."

"I don't know who they are. I don't know if they remember me or if they'll be there tonight."

Niall grins and jumps onto Louis' back as he goes to walk away. Louis squawks and grabs Niall's legs so he doesn't drop him.
"You're an idiot," Louis huffs and carries Niall to his bed room. "But- you're an idiot I have fun with. So pick out what I can wear and go get dressed."

Niall gasps and smacks a wet kiss onto Louis' cheek.
"You're the best."

When Niall is in his own room getting ready he texts Zayn and they organise to meet in the garden, with a couple of other people so it doesn't seem strange. They agree to meet at half nine and then say goodbye so they can get ready.

Niall sprays Louis with some aftershave and pats him on the head.
"Let's go."
"Don't touch my hair. It feels weird," Louis mumbles as he pulls his jacket on.
"Okay, that's okay," Niall says gently. Louis smiles thankfully at him.
"C'mon. Let's go have fun before we have to go to uni."

Louis and Niall talk to a few people, Niall keeping an eye out for the time. When he notices it getting later he tugs Louis out to the garden.
"It's really hot in there," Niall sighs and fans himself.
"Thanks for making me come here," Louis smiles.
"That's okay, bud."

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