Maniac (H.S)

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*London's POV*

I sat there on the bar stool as I gently advanced my right hand onto the outside lining of my green visor. I briskly removed it from my head, and lied it harshly behind me down onto the top of the granite counter top.

My hands relocated up to my brown hair, combing through the rough tangles and knots with my extensive pink fingernails, as well as reparting the loose strands.

My legs swung back and forth from the high bar chair, as my eyes glanced and stared down at the untied laces of my pink vans swinging as I moved my legs.

"You okay to work for another hour?" Alex called back from behind the counter, organizing the cups, the money, and whatever else she needed to help organize.

"I guess so," I mumbled barely audible. My eyes were starting to feel heavy and it was getting tough to force them to stay open.

"Sorry, you know what Cass said," Alex reassured me, stacking cups. In a little part of her voice I could tell that she was sorry for me; sorry that I was stuck here taking another late shift at Starbucks on a perfect Friday night, when I could be doing so much more.

I sighed loudly, "I know, I know."

I hopped down from the stool onto my feet and walked to were Alex was, wiping down the counter now with coffee spills covering it.

I bent down, slouching, my elbows glued to the counter, and my ass stuck out. Hopefully nobody was going to come to Starbucks here at 10:00.

"At least it's only for the week," Alex picked up the rag, tilted her head, giving me a smile. It was one of those smiles that knew they were sorry for you, but not that sorry.

"But it's already 10:00. Nobody comes to Starbucks this late," I groaned, squeezing my eyes as I yawned quietly.

"You'd be surprised," Alex smirked, her black hair hiding her crystal blue eyes as she finished scrubbing up all the coffee spills.

She turned around and got in a position to throw. She stood on her toes and threw the wet rag into the dirty basket.

"Score!" She exclaimed, turning back around with that big smile of hers covering her face.

"Oh whatever. You just got lucky," I laughed, straightening myself up from slouching.

"London, that was skill," She winked, and hopped over the counter as she made the perfect land on the floor, her purple vans making quite a noisy sound.

"I'm headed out," Alex stated, grabbing her large black purse from a chair.

She flipped her hair as she placed it on her shoulder, and then flipped her hair back over.

She turned back around to me and smiled.

"I'll text you tomorrow, bye London," She said, running out of the shop. She looked like she was in a rush, or probably just exhausted like I was.

"Bye!" I muttered, but the door had already slammed back shut.

I sighed long and loud, walking through the small brown doors to get back behind the counter. Most of the time nobody showed up this late, and I doubted they were tonight.

I pulled my phone out swiftly from my back left pocket, checking the time.

Only 10:02, and we didn't close until 11:00.

I locked my phone, setting it onto the counter as I bent down, letting my hair freely come hang down over my face. I bunched the hair up into a high ponytail, and stood up straight, noticing car lights parked in front of the shop.

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