Chapter 4

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*London's POV*

It was a short, tight pink dress that seemed to fit just right on my curvy type of body. I adjusted the end of it, pulling it down further, and turning to see if it was too revealing anywhere, although that is what Harry wanted.

I dug my nails through my loose curls, fixing them to look more natural.

I leaned down, my makeup not too heavy but not too light. I didn't know Harry's opinion on makeup.

I smiled, fixing my curls more through the full length mirror.

My phone went off, and it was just a text from Alex. I didn't even look at the text, I looked at the clock and noticed that it was already 7:52, and Harry was going to pick me up from Starbucks at 8.

I locked my phone, throwing it in my small handbag along with cash and wallet, and other junk that filled it.

I zipped it quickly and ran to the top of the stairs, slipping into the two inch black heels I've been looking for forever.

Once I was fully into them, I walked slowly downstairs, careful not to fall anywhere.

Once I got to the bottom, my heels clicked against the hardwood floor and I opened the door to see the darkness in the air.

I shut the door hard, walking as fast as I possibly could to my car.

I walked around to the drivers seat, getting in and exposing to the cold car and the leather seats, once again.

I shut the door, finding my keys on the dashboard that I had forgotten to take in, and started up the car.


"Come on," I muttered, backing out slowly but trying to be fast.

Once I was out of the driveway and onto the road, I sped a little to get there, to meet Harry in time.

*Harry's POV*

"So, tell me about London," I asked her, sitting on the bar stool taking a sip of my almost empty water bottle.

"Well, she's a very nice girl. She loves to have fun only when it's necessary, and she's gorgeous of course," Alex informed me, looking down as she wiped the counter tops harshly with a smile on her face.

I smirked. "She most definitely is gorgeous."

I heard a door open, but ignored to turn around, when I heard, "Is he here or-"

"Oh, great." I heard London sigh.

I smiled down at my feet, until turning around to see her.

"Hello lovely," I greeted to her.

"Hi Harry," She said shyly, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.

I shook my head but smiled down at the floor.

"Well, are you guys gonna go or what?" Alex laughed.

London blushed crazily while I just stood up, pulling my shirt down a little.

"Are you ready beautiful?" I asked her, giving her a simple, cheeky smile.

"Yes," She smiled, walking to catch up to me.

"Bye Alex!" I heard her call, while I held the door for her.

"Have fun! And don't do anything I wouldn't do!" Alex called, and London turned back around laughing until I let go of the door and ran to meet her, standing side by side.

*London's POV*

I followed him to his car in silence. I didn't go on dates usually, and the last date I had was in middle school, and that doesn't count.

He opened the drivers seat, getting in it and shutting the door.

I was surprised he didn't open the door for me.

I opened the passenger door, getting comfortable in the front seat of his Range Rover.

I pulled down the seatbelt, struggling to find the buckle to where it went in.

I poked around a bit more, finally getting it into it.

I sighed quietly, looking up in front of me at all the cars, people, tall skyscrapers. New York was a magical place.

I then looked over at Harry, who was on his little black flip phone.

He was slowly texting someone, and I just looked back out my window, trying to ignore the fact of how rude it was.

"I'm sorry, I just need to send something to my roommate. He's having a couple people over and I'm telling him for nobody to mess up my things," Harry said, and when it sent he looked up at me, with a grin on his face.

I giggled, replying, "It's okay. How old is he?" I asked.

"He's, erm, 23," Harry said, backing out of the parking lot.

"How old are you?" I asked him, wondering his he was that old like his roommate.

"Erm, I'm erm, 18," He said to me.

"Oh, good," I smiled, watching as he waited for someone to let him go on the street.

"Yeah. And you are?"

"I'm 16," I replied.

I saw Harry smile and then lick his lips, still looking ahead at the street.

"Cool," He replied, smiling still.

"What's with the smile?" I asked suddenly.

He turned to me and dropped the smile, answering, "Nothing. I just have a thing for younger girls."

I giggled, watching his smile reappear on his face.

hope you liked this chapter :-)
going to florida tomorrow but ill still update this weekend!
comment feedback & vote x

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